"It's not the first time I've been stood up."

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Hey there again guys!! :) So I've been sitting on this idea for a while now too. The prompt was found on witterprompts on tumblr. Hope you guys enjoy as always! :) Let me know what you think.

You impatiently shook your leg as you looked at the empty booth bench in front of you. You knew you'd been sitting here for much longer than you should have, sending the waiter away too many times with a polite smile saying you were still waiting for someone. You refused to meet the sympathetic smiles of any of the waiters and waitresses that passed by, this was probably something they witnessed everyday. It was probably time for you to admit that the guy was a no show.

You hastily unlocked your phone sending a text to Tifa that the guy she described as your "soulmate" hadn't bothered to even show up. You'd sat there and waited two hours for him. Two hours! You weren't even sure why you'd waited so long, he'd asked you out himself but hadn't even bothered to send a text letting you know he was late or was canceling. Tifa had introduced the two of you and you'd honestly thought there was some kind of a connection. He seemed to be interested in the same things as you and all your conversations felt genuine. Maybe you just weren't interesting enough for him.

Sighing you looked around at the small restaurant. It was nice and cozy with a very home like atmosphere, which made sense since it was family owned. It was a great spot for a first date if you were being honest, at least he'd picked a great location. When you'd first came in and gotten seated there had been a lot more people inside, now there were only a few stragglers left behind. Besides them there were the waiters who were cleaning up the tables. You were surprised no one had said anything to you about it being closing time.

Biting your lip you looked down at the menu still placed on the table. Maybe you could just order something to go. You reached a hand out to open it but decided against it. Instead you stacked the two menus on top of each other deciding to just hand it to someone as you walked out. You turned to the side and rummaged through your purse to grab your keys but before you could even pull them out your attention was diverted.

There was a bowl filled with cookies and cream ice cream in front of you. Sitting directly across from you with an apologetic smile on his face was Zack Fair.

"Zack!" You had not been expecting to see him at all, "I didn't know you worked here!"

"I've been working here for a few months now," he replied.

You knew Zack through Tifa. Tifa had been your roommate freshman year of college and the two of you easily became best friends. Zack was Cloud's best friend and Cloud was Tifa's boyfriend. Even though you saw him pretty often the two of you never really had very many conversations. You wondered why Tifa never suggested Zack for her endless attempts at setting you up with people. If she had you definitely wouldn't have minded, maybe you'd bring it up with her next time you talked about it.

"What's this?" You asked, gesturing at the bowl, "I didn't order any ice cream."

"I know," Zack replied, sheepishly scratching the back of his head, "I just thought..."

You smiled at him, taking a spoonful of ice cream and stuffing it in your mouth.

"It's not the first time I've been stood up, you know," you said nonchalantly.

"Really?" A few different emotions flickered across Zack's face: surprise, shock, sympathy, and confusion.

"Yeah," you continued eating the ice cream, "What with Tifa trying to set me up with people all the time, not everyone's going to follow through."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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