chapter 1

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Cast members

Sofia Carson  as Kyla leaney

Francisco lachowiski as Tyler Channell

Elizabeth Gillies as  Melanie Hill

Toni Mahfud as Cameron Walker

Lili Reinhart as Stace Roberts

Zac Efron  as Warren Sawyer

Gregg Sulkin as Bruce Williams

Dylan O'brien as Elmer Decker

Nina Dobrev as Jodie

Ty's  P.O.V

I was at my apartment all by myself. Jeez the hangover was killing me. How much did I drink yesterday?Just then I remembered my mom had called. Something about  Cameron having passed by the house.
Where the hell is my phone?I searched around for it and  remembered I left it on my bedside table. I went back to my room and sure enough there it was. The light from the phone  was blinding me making it impossible for me to see but somehow I managed to find the one contact I was looking for.

"Yo bro what were you doing at my house?And what about my mother?"I asked already feeling pissed. The guy couldn't stop laughing.
  "Chill bro. What do you mean what was I doing at your house? You told me to wait for you there. You stood me up,"Cameron shouted on the other end.
Someone please remind me  how loud the guy can get.

"Has someone ever told you how loud you can get?I'm sorry about that I ran out of battery so I couldn't call you. And what about my mother?"I asked again expecting an answer this time.

"Well naah you're the first. Anyway your ma has officially lost her mind . She wants to hire you a babysitter."
The fucker couldn't stop laughing.

"What's with you? You such a twat. A babysitter?What am I?7?"I asked as I recalled the time my ma called an interview to audition for possible candidates to babysit me when I was 7.

"Haha. Don't remind me about all those crazy women who auditioned. But am serious mahn. She asked me to live with you but no way  I choose the other latter."

"What?Are you dumb or something why the hell would you do that?"This time I was the one yelling. Was it so hard for him to fucking think like a human and not a psycho for once in his doomed life?

"You know me. There's no way I can live with you. Hell no."

"So much for being my bestbud,"I said with a roll of my eyes.

"No cmon it ain't that. You know how it all goes down after a wild night. Would you want to be present to witness that?"

"No way. So back to my mother. A babysitter? You serious about that?."

"It ain't a babysitter like a babysitter. She just wants someone to help around the house and that stuff but the way she was talking about it it sure looked to me like she wanted to get you a babysitter."He laughed so hard that I almost dropped my phone."You remember that time when you were 7?It was kind of similar you know. She was acting all paranoid and shit."

"And what exactly was your role in this?"I asked as I opened the fridge. Hell no. Not now. There was nothing in there. Well apart from an opened bottle of juice. Damn I forgot to go get some groceries. Maybe I really did need someone to cook and clean around here.

"Well I may or may have not given her a contact to an employment agency."

"What the?...Why would you even do that?" I asked as I went back to my room feeling more hopeless than I had when I got out of bed.

"She couldn't let me leave bro. What the fuck was I supposed to do?That was the only way l could get her off my back."

"I swear to God if she drops an old lady at my doorstep I will send her straight to your door."

"What?What do I have to do with your mama issues,mama's boy?"

"The next time you call me that I'll be sending your white ass straight to hell. You just lucky you my best buddy or you would be there already. And yeah you have everything to do with this shit. You gave her the damn contact."

"Okay okay sorry if it even fixes the damn problem. Let's just wait okay? We'll deal with this later. But if a hot girl happens to be dropped at your door just send her to me I wouldn't mind at all. I could use the help too."

"Do you ever stop?"

"Why would I?If the girls knew you were such a mama's boy,they would all be running to me."Cameron said as he erupted in laughter.

"The fuck bro......."

"Chill dude. I just enjoy pissing you off. Gotta go."


"My next booty call is here anyway."He says in a whisper and I can only imagine the stupid grin that is plastered on his face right now.

"Just cut the call already I don't want  to have to overhear how you like it in the bedroom. I could never unhear that."

"Don't wanna find out why the ladies are always coming back for more? Maybe could take some less...."

Did I mention he talks too much?And half the time he says nothing sensible. No scratch that he never says anything that makes sense.

I cut the call because the last thing I wanted to hear was about how my ass of a best friend was laying some girl. Did he ever take a break? He was the man whore of the group. No offence meant but the only thing he ever thought about was getting laid.

I took a long shower and the headache was still there. Someone remind me why I always go out on a school night?

To have fun. And of course to get a good lay.

Maybe I was as screwed up in the head as Cameron. I thought as I drove myself to college. Why the fuck did I have a class at this time of the day?

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