Chapter 5

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I feel something tickling my nose and I twitch, then I feel it again and bat my hand hitting myself with whip cream. I hear chuckles and open my eyes.

"You're dead guys!" I scream and they run out of the room.

"Kids stop behaving like you're eight and get ready for school!" Dad orders.

"But dad th-"

"Stop being a drama queen Mia, leave it for drama class", Matt cuts me off.

Note to self: prank the guys later

I open the bathroom door and see Mason singing in the shower through the glass door, but it's foggy.

'Don't you give up na na na'

'I won't give up na na na'

'Let me love you'

'let me l- what the hell Mia?!" He screams when he sees me.

"Lovely singing there bro if you want to make scratchy sounds", I laugh.

"Get out!"

I chuckle and close the door.

Wait a minute, Mason loves to wash his hair with his favorite shampoo.

I smirk and went back to my room, got my green dye and sneak back to the bathroom, mixing the bottles. I'm pure evil.

I'll get Matt later.



I grin as I eat my pancakes with Matt.

"What did you do now sis?"

"Just wait", I grin.

Three... two.. one

Matt chokes on his pancake and gets into a coughing fit when he sees an angry Mason with green hair.

" You could have told me you were dying your hair? Is it to get Crystal's attention?" I smirk.

"I'll kill you", he shoots daggers at me with his eyes.

"You can't kill me, you love me too much", I bat my eyes at him.

He glares at me one more time and leaves the room.

"That was epic", Matt high fives me after he recovers from his coughing fit, "now go get ready for school", he demands.

I put a plaited skirt and a white tank top with a red leather jacket and my boots, with hoop earrings and makeup. My hair pulls back with a thin headband, I look good.

I take a quick picture then post it on Twitter before leaving my room with my bag and holding my binder.

Mason had a cap on his head and his hoodie over it, with rip jeans and his converse in his feet.

"Let's roll", Matt smiles at us, I got into the back seat while Mason takes the front.

"What's up to Mason, why so quiet?" Asher asks.

"Nothing", he grumbles.

"I took revenge on him", I whisper.

"Is it bad like the last one?"

The last one was him going to school with a big hole in his pants.

"Worst", I grin and pulls the hoodie off with the cap.

Asher laughs, tears coming out his eyes," this is epic."

"What the hell Mia?!" Mason snaps and put his cap back on as Matt pulls into the school's parking lot.

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