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For the first time!!

Serena's POV

Calem!! I shouted in surprise. I really was shocked to see my old freind here. Calem was a friend of mine while I was young. We both used to play together and he was my best friend . I didn't know he too had started a Pokemon journey.

"Serena! It's so nice to see you again!!" he said with enthusiasm. He almost ran towards me in order to hug me but was abruptly stopped by my raven haired crush.

" Excuse me, now who might you be? " ash spoke in a slightly annoyed tone.
Wait!! Did ash just feel jealous???
No, but how.. He's soo.. Dense.

Calem replied in a clearly annoyed tone"I am Calem Xavier,  an old friend of serena and the second best trainer in kalos . "

Calem stretched his hand for a handshake.

Ash accepted it and said while shaking hands " I am ash ketchum from pallet town and serena is traveling with me. "

One could clearly see they were trying to crush each others hands but suddenly calem pulled his hand back and shrieked in pain.

Ash said " Oh, I am sorry,my grip is quite strong as I  personaly train with my Pokemon ".

Calem's POV

Oww... This guy really has a strong grip. But i am not going to let him take Serena away. She is mine and mine only.

Suddenly serena asked me
"So calem, what are you doing with miss Diantha?".

Miss Diantha abruptly replied "He is training under me as my assistant.We were just about to meet some important friends of mine."

I said"Hey serena, if you want you can come with us. I am sure miss.Diantha wouldn't mind."

Suddenly that ash replied "We would be glad to come if that's not a problem with miss.Diantha."

Ughh, the nerve of that boy. I am not going to let him get serena. Such a beauty should only be mine. I angrily replied "How about this ash, if i win a one on one Pokemon battle with you serena and only serena comes with me and if I lose you all can come with us."

Serena's POV

"How about this ash, if I win a one on one Pokemon battle with you serena and only serena comes with me and if I lose you all can come with us." Did I just hear that right? Calem has challenged ash to a battle and I am the one who is being used as a prize? What the hell is happening!! Ash thought for a moment and replied "Very well, I accept but only if serena agrees. "

I immediately wanted to say no but ash gave me a look which said "Trust me. Nothing wrong will happen. " I sighed in defeat as i could not say no to those beautiful auburn eyes of his and simply nodded. Miss.Diantha said that she would referee the match.


The kalos champion stood at the sideways of the battlefield and said "This is a one on one match between Ash ketchum and calem xavier. No substitutions are allowed and if any Pokemon is unable to battle the the opponent will be declared victor.
So trainers send out your Pokemon! "

Ash said "Greninja you're up."
Greninja simply nodded and jumped right on the battlefield and stood confidently.

Calem simply smirked and said "Watch as my Pokemon wipes the field with that overgrown frog of yours! Go virizion! " Calem threw his masterball and it revealed a green stag like Pokemon with legs seeming as it wore boots.

RISE OF A GUARDIAN ( DISCONTINUED ) Where stories live. Discover now