Chapter 2

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This is the Female Alpha POV

''''''''Jade''''''''' Deal with the name, I like it!!!

 Groan..... I wake up with a buzzing sound, stupid alarm clock. I turn it off and look at the time. Oh sh*t!!! I am late for school.

I quickly kiss my dad good bye and get in my Porche, while of course eating my delicious pop-tart. I drive crazy around honking horns and I catch a whiff of something but I shrug it off. I see a cop pulling over a nice Camaro. a orange and black 1969 Ss Camaro to be exact. Whoever got pulled over, at least had some nice taste. 

I carry on with my drive and arrive at school and go through my boring day at school.

Classes i day dream through and the teachers never pick me because I am the daughter of the alpha and soon to be alpha of our pack, Midnight Glory. I know that the name sounds stupid and all, but back 2000 years ago our ancestors fought in a loosely formed pack. But they were attack at midnight. The fight went until dawn. At the sunrise when they finished fighting, only the alpha and hus mate were left. So they started the official bloodline of the Midnight Glory pack and continued it to this day all the way up to me. So the pressure to continue it is a lot of pressure on me and my ovaries. 

I walk over to PE after my 5th period class to finish off the rest of my boring day. I get dressed in the slutty PE clothes that the school forces us to wear. But I am not complaining, my tan creamy legs look amazing in the short shorts. And the shirt shows off my cleavage, only a little though. While the other girls show off enough to look like a prostitute.

The PE teacher, Mr. Crane, barks at us ,"All right guys listen up! Today we are going to do a mile around the track! A deep voice replies, "Can we just do 4 laps instead?" I laugh with everyone else. I look up to see who said that comment, and he looks back at me. Gulp, my wolf goes 'MATE'. He looks back at me with the same love feeling, but he is human... I think but I hope not.


¡¡¡¡¡Let me know you think here what you think!!!!!! SUPRISE!!!! I did it a week and a day early! So enjoy!!!!

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