Chapter 7

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I can't  focus. None of my classes. He is just so heavenly. And he is just a human, werewolves have all the genes for beauty but why does he too? Uggh this is not good. I mindlink my beta Get my homework for all my classes done this week and the next one. I don't care how. And make 2 of them. He replies, Yes, will do.

Good my plan is going into action. I ask the teacher to excuse me from the classroom. He does, and doesn't bat an eye about it. Ha, puny human, he doesn't feel my power. I get on my phone and call my third in command. "Hey Zach, I will be gone all next week so I will leave you in charge. If I hear you screw it up, you won't walk again". I add that light-hearted comment. He and I both know that that would never happen." He loves and adores his pack. He could do his very best to strengthen and grow it.

I walk back into class, my mate gives me a warm smile, with concern in his eyes. My stomach has butterflies. And all the butterflies are doing back flips. Uggh, I am the definition of whipped, good thing he doesn't know it. 

I sit in the back of the class, not paying attention. I have all my homework being completed by my beta, haha. I play the catch you staring at me game. He is the worst, well only because of my wolf lets me know whenever my mate is staring at me. Poor guy.

I avoid him for the of the week till Friday


Drake POV

I don't get it. This entire week, my mate has been avoiding me, she is missing out on class and I don't know what I did to her. There is no use trying to chase after her, she has that werewolf speed thing or whatever. Uggh, is it her super period, the strong werewolf one or something??? I don't get it.

I finally have a plan, today she is probably going to try to talk to me. I bring a bottle of my scent. I put in some hair skin and other excrements into the bottle. I turned it into a liquid. I bring it with all my school supplies to school. I arrive and there she is. Unmistakable beauty, how am I so lucky. I can just imagine my.... fcku focus.

I quickly turn 90 degrees, (sharp right hand turn) and start running. I don't worry about her speed. I mapped out the school and the exacted route I should take. I calculated her approximate speed in mind. The distance of starting points. The best ditching spot for my scent. It finally paid off doing all those derivative and integral related rate problems in AP Calculus. My teacher would have be proud. 

I am approaching the ditching turn. I get out my scent bottle, I move it around in my hand, I pull the cork out of the bottle and pour out my scent on the ground. I make a circle of the liquid and place the bottle on the ground. I run towards the football field. Perfect, that should give me plenty of time to get away. Let's say 2 minutes and 10 seconds. I start the timer on my wrist watch.

Jade POV

Enough of my little game, I am going to see him today on Friday. I was very busy with the pack and I didn't want to get him tied up into this mess.


It was bloody on Wednesday. We had three rogues enter our territory. They didn't put up a fight at all or speak. They only submitted to the guards at the border. They were speaking in Latin or something. It sounded urgent but we couldn't get English out of them. When I left, I got word from my beta that they killed themselves with a cyanide capsule hidden as one of their teeth. It left our room smelling like eggs and death for the next several days. 

End Flashback

He would not want to hear about it. I smell him coming. I am at school now and waiting to give him the good news!!! He steps out of his car, he looks tired and worn out, hmm. He makes eye contact with me and I give my best smile and look deep into his eyes. He seems to pause, as if he was having a heart attack. He then makes a sharp dash to his right and runs away.

I stand there, shocked by what he is doing. Is he now trying to avoid me? Oh no, that won't happen. I agree with my wolf. I give my backpack to my friends and split off running after him. I have to go at regular speed or else the humans will think that I am not one of them. I smell him easily and follow my nose. The scent keeps getting stronger, I know I am getting close to him I turn the corner and I am blasted by his scent. A little moan escapes my lips. I look around and he is not here. I look at the ground and see a bottle. Oh no, it has his scent in it. I can 't smell him now for at least a 500 ft radius. This gives me no trail to go off of. 

I climb the side of the school, I get onto the roof, luckily no one can see me up there. they have barriers so no students can try to get up here. That apparently didn't work. I run at super speed, cutting the time down between us. this boy is smart! I will get him though. HE IS MINE. My wolf and I shout in unison. 

I feel an abnormal gust of wind. Yes, the overdose of Drake's scent is gone, I have a trail of him. I hop from building to building. He has headed towards the football field. I leap of the last building and I see him, jogging over to the junior parking lot. He seems so sure of himself, ha. I land on the ground quietly. I run up behind without making a sound. I tackled him and we roll around. My wolf purrs that see is with our mate and is rendered useless. I wind up on bottom. I am shocked. 

My mate looks down at me and smirks. "I may have not of gotten away but, do not doubt me because of my human skills. I have been trained to fight since I was 4 years old. I am a wrestler." I let out a moan. " I see you like this position too." We both let out a laugh and he rests on my chest, head on my boob. Ha boob, I don't even care he is the only one who can do so.

He lays down beside me and looks into my eyes. "I was going to talk to you about something today but you ran off." He chuckles and says, drawing out the well 'Wellllll I was missing you all week, but I figured you needed a lesson. So I hatched the best plan. You probably saw my scent bottle, I knew that would slow you down a little." I do a slight push and say " Yeah, you smell so wonderful, I couldn't smell BBQ ribs even if they were right under my nose!" His beautiful eyes go wide and his perfect lips celebrate to... I kiss him deeply and take over the kiss. He is stunned at first and doesn't do anything, but then he starts to move and takes over the kiss. I moan into his mouth. It feels like we kiss for an eternity. We separate, panting. I ask him with all the hope in the world, "Will you come with me next week and skip school?" He looks deep into my eyes. He brings his mouth to my ear....



Well, that was a good chapter. Let me know what you think in the comments below!!! This is the world record for longest chapter by me ever! The next chapter will probably be the little field trip one and I already have a cool twist that you guys will definitely love!

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