Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Skyla's POV

Turning the from door knob, I took my first step in. Wow, I have a lot of things going on in my life... fuck. The house was really quiet, normally my mother would be doing something, something that would make a lot of noise- like listening to the latest music... 

So I did the unthinkable, walking into the kitchen. "Mum!" Looking around, nothing much to see... but...

"No.." I shook my head. "Mum!" I shouted. She was on the floor, bleed all over her and her eyes still opened. I dropped my stuff onto the ground and kneeled, pulling up my mother. 

"No" I wailed. I sat there crying, not knowing how I would life my life without my mother. I still very much loved her. I'm now all alone, no one to love me, no one would give a crap if I was alone of not. 

Slouching over my mothers body, rocking back and forwards, my face was wet all over. So many tears have been lost....

My phone vibrated from my bra. Still crying I furiously pulled if out. The blood all over my hands and the dry led smell. Looking at the screen was hard. The tears just kept rolling down. I shut my eyes for sometime and opened them looking down at the phone opening the message from a unknown caller.

~I'm terribly sorry for you loss~

I froze. "No. Fucking. Way. This bitch will not get away with this" I yelled out loud. Throwing my phone against the wall. It cracked open and skidded against the wooden floor. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed out as loud as I could, as tears came running down my face. Cuddled back, with my knees pressed against my chest and my arms hugging my shins, leaning back against the white cabinet with blood smears. I just bawling my eyes out.


 My body trembled from what happened in the last 24 hours. I could still smell that blood on my hands. 

"SKYLA!" shooting up from my seat. My French teacher pointed at me. The whole class staring at me, in silence. My eyes were red and had bags. I got lost track of time, standing where my mother laid last night. 

My neighbors come into the house after a while, hearing me scream and shout, they could sleep and once they saw what had just happened, fixed it and even thou Mr. Khan understood what I was going thought, it wasn't enough.

I stared behind the teacher as she stared at me. My eyes started to water and a big lump filled my throat. 

"Stop day dreaming and do you work" She yelled in a accent. 

"Piss off" I mumbled quietly rolling my eyes and staring at my piece of paper on the table. She didn't seem to hear me, but people just kept staring at me, like there was something wrong with me.

I could feel the eyes burning into my head. I stood up making a loud squeaking noise from the chair.

"Have you people not seen a fucking girl in pain?!" I spat turning my head after I'd finished my sentence. They all froze. This behavior of mine was not normal. I've never felt this way before. 

I grabbed my bag and stormed out of the room giving the evils to everyone that kept staring at me. I ran into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. My hair messed up, my face pale and no make-up. Bags under my eyes. I would never want to see myself looking like this ever again. 

I feel so pissed off at the mother-fucker how did this to me. I dug my hand into my bag and found my money. Enough for a train right I counted and I guess some food. Walking out to the closest bus stop I hopped onto the arriving bus, sitting at the back.

I pulled off my school shirt and shoved into my bag and did the same the my skirt. I now no one would know that I'm meant to be at school. I was wearing now a white single and shorts. I sighed and looked out of the window as the bus stopped.

"Aren't you meant to be at school?" Asked a girly voice from behind me. I ignored her and kept quiet.

"I guess not" She said back. I turned my head. "Why would you care" I hissed, shacking my head. "No one gives a fuck about me, so you shouldn't"

"Non-sence" She waved back. She was wearing a cropped singlet showing a lot of cleavage. She had a belly piercing and green eyes.

"I'm heading to the city, come with me" She added with a smile. I turned my head and stared out the window. "What's your name again?" I asked.


 I smiled and for the rest of the trip we were in silence. The bus stopped and I walked out after Jamie

"I have to show you this place, it's totally the best!" She screamed pulling my hand through a bunch of people walking pass.

I gave each a fake smile as that smiled back at me. Walking into a spa & beautician shop. She pulled me to the counter and whispered something to the front lady. She nodded and started to move away towards a door. She opened it and smiled.

"Enjoy" She motioned. I smiled and Jamie pulled my hand.

"Come-on!" Jamie yelled pulling her t-shirt off and dropping it onto the ground. I turned my head and saw that the lady had closed the door. In front of me was shirtless Jamie and a spa...

"What?" I took a few steps back and saw the hot blubbering water steaming.

"I'll be fun" She said widening her eyes. She took a step into the water and as she did she unhooked her bra. >Unhooked Her Bra!<

"Were both girl here"She smiled. Fuck what am I going to do? I screamed in my head. She stared at me and then stood out of the water, making a splashing sound. Walking over to me. Her hair was wet, her shorts and her breasts were so big...

"Don't be shy" She smiled at me walking over. Her hips swaying left to right, and her bellybutton jiggled as she moved. 

I took another step back, before she grabbed my singled and pulled it over my head, so fast I didn't even know I was shirtless until I felt my cold fingers land on my warm skin. She smiled and unbuttoned my shorts and let them slide down.

"Let's go" She called out turning her head and pulling me with her into the water. "You are so stubborn" she chuckled.

Well, I'm not fucking going lezbo in this crazy chick! My mother just died and I should really be at home and letting my unless father know about mum. My life is ruined. Theres nothing I can do to fix this. My life is pathetic.

"So whats the reason your not at school?" Jamie asked scooping up water and splashing it all over her.

"w- w- well" I stumbled. "I'm just fed up I guess"

Chuckling "Well you'll meet the rest of us soon" She smiled.

"what do you mean?" I asked, having no clue what she was talking about.

"Well you guys, just like us" She pointed "your not alone, and where always here for each other, doing whatever that we please" She said gazing away.

"So what you trying to say is, that theres going to be guy's tagging along with us?" She nodded with a smile. "I-"

I jumped out of the spa and ran towards my single but it was to late, the door squeaked opened. Lights flashed...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2012 ⏰

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