Chapter 4

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~Enjoy xox ____________________________________________________________________________

Chapter 4

Skyla's P.O.V

Laying is be revising my maths algebra for the test tomorrow, I heard a few rocks hit the window. I got up ~Romeo & Juliet style~ (jokes) and walked up to the window. I was about 1 meter away from touching the window before the biggest fucking rock flew in.

*SMASH* Oh god I thought to myself. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I shouted.

‘Sorry babes” he called out. OK so that was weird, It's was Andrew. I thought he was going to leave me alone after what I had said. FUCK. GRRRRRR

"OK, what do you want" I said looking bored with my arms folded.

"Oh, yeah, um... I'm here to kidnap you" He said blinking. What did her thing that I was going to scream? NO ha, I'm at home right now... DUH.

"Um, OK so shoot" I said out loud, not amused.

"Um, so how do I do it? Ah... give me your hands?" He asked sounding more like a question.

I pulled out both my arm's rolling my eyes

"What now, you gonna like carry me to the front door past my parents and 'Kidnap' me?" I asked. Jesus this guys is fucked in the head. I total understand why I broke up with him.

"No, I'm going to lock you up in your room and tie you to a chair... and make you shut up." He said.

"What in my house?" I asked giving his a look.

"Yup" He said.

"Right, well that's totally going to work." I added. We were in silence for a moment as he tied me to a chair. I wasn't scared at all. Totally going to fail.

He turned around and pulled out a fabric and did something to it. His body blocked my view so I didn't know what he did after that.

"Sorry babe's" He turned around holding the fabric.

"I was joking about that little bit" He added. I could imagine 'my what-the-fuck' face.

The last this I could see was him smiling before he held my head and put the fabric that stuck against my nose. I was out in seconds.


I opened my eyes and I was in darkness. The only light I had was right on top of me, but it was dim. It took me 3 blinks for my eye's to adjust to the light.

I heard a deep chuckle. "You’re so gullible, babe"

"Shut up dick-face!" I yelled. OK yeah he got me, but I'm really pissed, I mean WHAT THE FUCK!?

"Harsh words you have there" He said. I could see him tho. He was in the dark.

"Where the fuck am I!?" I demanded. Looking around, I didn't look like anything what-so ever like his house.

"That, is one thing I can't tell you right now." He answers back. I turned my head to where I heard the voice. But all I could see what pitch black. I was struggling to get untied of the chair that he tied me to. Moving around.

He chuckled. "Your wont he able to get out, I tied you up"

"And what makes you so strong for me to not be able to get out of this hell hole?!" I let out.

"Well, I have magic powers" He answered quickly.

I laughed evilly "Bullshit" I called out.

"Cunt" I whispered

"Whore" He yelled back

"Ouch, don't you mean prostitute?"

"No, that's not me... nor is it you, it's too of a weak word, more like bimbo, slut cross cunt mixed with a little ho." He commented.

"Well, you’re a monster" I yelled back.

He shot out from the corner, scaring me.

"I'm not a monster" He whispered loudly to me.

I thought to myself for a moment. So I called him a few hard names and they didn't offend him. Then I called him a ‘monster’ and he goes off??

"Asshole" Sorry is slipped out.

"Whatever, you ho" He called out. I have enough of this shit. I was not a ho, I wasn't thinking straight having sex with those other guys, we because of him I thought to myself.

"You know what?" I yelled "I'm not a Ho, or a prostitute, I'm nothing that you have called me today, I love myself and if you have a problem with me having sex with other people, then go get yourself a fucking dildo, dickhead!" I yelled. It seemed to echo through the whole room

"You what?" He turned around giving me a clueless face. Oh, yeah, great he didn't know that he wasn't my last. YAY??

"Shit" I whispered to myself. He walked up to me and shook me, hard.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?" He yelled.

"OK!" I shouted seeing that he assumed that he could handle the truth.

"I broke up with you and then you went out with Tobie, then I realized that I love you and then I got pissed and felt like killing you, so that BECAUSE OF YOU I had sex with other guys" I yelled. His face was blank. I could see that anger running through his blood. SHIIIIIIITTTTTT! I thought to myself.

"DON’T KILL ME!" I yelled sarcastically, but that was really suck a good time to say that, before he yelled

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU FUCKING DID THAT! YOU ARE A FUCKING WHORE! BITCH!" Yelling so loud, I swear China could hear this argument.

"IT WASN'T MY FAULT" I protest back.

"YES I FUCKING WAS, I DIDN'T EVEN DO IT TO FUCKING TOBIE!" He yelled. That wasn't new for me, Tobie always told the truth to me but she was a bit physio.

"I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" I yelled back sounding sincerely. I was in fact. I didn't mean to.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled turning his back to me again and storming off. Oh, well at least his not going to be in the same room as me, while I try and get myself out of here.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I heard voice cal out. What the fuck I thought to myself.

"What!" I yelled confused.

"Yeah, don't do that, Andrew has a temper, and you just set if off." He called out. I heard footsteps coming over to me. I turned my head to the fount and saw Andrew brother.

"And you heard that whole conversation... that we just had?" I asked. Crap. Andrew's brother Jace was always nice, but I'm not sure if he was trust worthy. He came into view and nodded to me.

"Shit" I whispered again.

"You think?" He asked with his hands both behind his back.

"Well, I guess" I said.

"You know... you have some guts, No girl I know would have done that if they were in your situation." He said.

"Done what?" I asked.

"Well, fight back" He answered back in a 'duh' voice. I nodded before the door clocked open and echoed.

"Got to go, but you’re sorry hey?" He whispered winking. I smiled as he jogged quietly to back where he was from before.

Andrew appeared from out the shadow holding a knife in his hands.


MAWHAHAH! Just a question... dou you guys thing they should kiss.. or not.. haha jk's but leave a comment

I hope you like that chapter just then, I had fun typing it so<3 please VOTE & COMMENT

(Sorry for spelling/grammar errors)

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