Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

~Skyla’s POV

The deep, familiar voice scared me as I froze on the spot. Standing still, not knowing what to do, I felt cold hand wrap hardly around my neck. No, not in a good way, in a bad way. Like he was going to kill me or something.

“Andrew?” I whimpered.

“Didn’t you think I was going to get you back?” He whispered. The way he whispered those words made a cold line run down my body.

“Why would you say something think that?” I asked with a cold voice.

He pulled out something from his pocket and held it to my neck. It felt cold, and sharp.

“BECAUSE I LOVED YOU!” He shouted. His voice echoed strongly through the empty school.

I stood in shock.

“What” I managed to stumble out.

(Beep, beep!)

I looked up to see my mum in the car waiting. As soon as that happened he was gone. His cold hands left me and well as the cold, sharp knife.

I turned around to see that there was no one there. I ran straighten to the car before anything bad could happen to me.



I stared down on my bed and stared at my phone, what the fuck in on with this guy. He has totally changed. When he and I were together, he would have never pulled a stunt like that... Pulling out a knife and holding it to my throat. Freak!

He was always quiet and shy, but he had lots of guts in him. To ask a girl like me out, risking rejection, I would have been the girl that guys would have stayed away from – I was that popular.

As I thought about those words he said to me before slowly fell asleep.


(Morning next day, Lunch)

“Sky!” shouted a voice. I turned around to see who it was.

“Did you see what happened today just before the fight happened?!” Hannah rushed out.

I shook my head, “No, what happened?”

“So, just before the fight had finished, Andrew punched the other guy, to protect his friend from getting beaten up.” She said.

“Ok, ha, Come with me to the nurse, i don’t really feel that well.” I called out before walking away slowly. Hannah ran after me.

“With a knife” She continued slowly.

I stop in my path. “What?!”

“Yeah” she whispered.

First of all, What the fuck has gotten into Andrew fucked mind to hurt someone with a freaking knife.

Second of all, is the poor boy ok?!

“Is he ok” I spoke without knowing it.

“What the fuck is wrong with you...! You need help!”

“NO! I mean to one he stabbed!” I yelled.

“Oh!! I was just about to say, WHAT THE FUCK, but yeah he got a cut on his arm and it was breading as hell...”

“Damn... poor guy!” I mumbled.

“Come on!” I called out to her, pulling her hand towards the office.

I told the nurse that I didn’t feel well and she gave me a pass for the day. I said my goodbye to Hannah and walked out to the front of the school, waiting of my mother to arrive.


The bell for the end of lunch went about 5 minutes ago.

I stood under a tree, with my arms folded. The wind blowing me hair and my skirt to the side. It made me feel so calm.

“I’m so sorry, Sky” A voice mumbled behind me.

I didn’t react, I knew it was Andrew.

“What you did was horrible. How could you have the heart to do something like that?” I said in an ‘I don’t care’ voice, still looking forward.

I head a sigh. “I did it for you” He said.

“What, as a present? Well, let me just tell you, I don’t like presents, especially if there for you” I spat out.

“He said some horrible things too, you know?” He added chuckling.

I stood still, not paying attention to him, ignoring him.

“See, this is what I mean! It’s like your impressed that you hurt this guy, It’s not cool” I yelled turning my body half way, then away fully after i finished talking.

I heard the grass being stepped on as I felt warm hand wrap around my waist.

“I’m sorry” He mumbled said, placing his head on my left shoulder.

I didn’t answer back. I felt discussed that the hands wrapped around me were once covered with blood. I also felt the need to be with him.

“I’m sorry Sky” He whispered into my ear, before placing small gentle kisses up and down my neck.

I chuckled softly. I leaned my head back enjoying the kisses. Before I turned my head back facing him. He stopped and looked deeply into my eyes.

With a smile sent from him, I sent him one back. He slowly moved his head down to mine, forcing me to look back up to him.

I looked up, before being tackled with his lips...



--> Andrew played by Landon Liboiron




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