Saphire chapter 1- the tragedy.(childhood years part 1)

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Hello! so i just want to infrom you guys that the first couple chapters will be quite boring because its mostly introduction but i promise you it will get better! so yea, happy reading!;)


My name is sapphire sparks and this is the story of my life.

I have a long shiny black hair , a big brown eyes and an olive skin tone. they say i got my mothers complexion. My mother is from the Philippines and my father is from belfast.Its a pretty small city in northern ireland. They got married and moved to California. Anyway, i once had the perfect life. my parents owned a shipping business in Asia,europe and America. So basically as the only daughter my parents gave me everything i wanted and i meant EVERYTHING that a 7 yrs old girl can ask for. i also have an older brother,his name is james, hes five years older than me,his got a brunette hair, a big brown eyes , fair skin color and a smile that can make my tears go away.

Everything was perfect... until a huge tragedy ruined everything.

it was the 7th of June 2003. i can still remember how the yacht we were in burned down...everyone was panicking. as i ran through them trying to look for my family.suddenly a huge thing fell on top of me, i didn't really know what it is but i felt so dizzy and i feel like Im about to fai-...

I fainted.

Before i fainted, i can remember my mother running towards me she was screaming my name and reaching her hand to me then she screamed "its all in you, your stronger than what they think you are..."

It was all a blur. I tried to stay awake but i felt so weak, for some reason I couldn't move my self or scream for help! finally a rescuer found me, but as he was carrying me to the ambulance I saw my brother he was unconscious i wanted to reach out to him but i cant help my self drift to sleep...

as i open my eyes i was in ths room, beside me was a nurse fixing the flower vase. "oh hey baby girl, goodmorning to you." she greeted me with a smile. "where am i?" i asked the nurse curiously.

"your in a hospital, in west georgina. you were one of the lucky survivors from the yacht tragedy. i believe you've been unconcious for about 2 weeks now, no one has any idea who you are. do you mind telling me your name?" the nurse asked.I looked down. why cant i remember who i am? i thought to myself. but then i remembered something, i remeber a woman screaming my name...Saphire.

"im sorry sweety i shouldnt be rushing you like this, i mean you have suffered enough. i know-" i cut off the nurse and said. "Saphire...i think."

"you rememberd?" the nurse asked. " well, im not too sure, but i think its saphire." i asnwered. " dont worry sweetie thats a good start." she smile and walked out of the room but before she walked she said "by the way, im alicia."

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