Chapter 2

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Hai, been a few weeks since I've updated, but eh! I have news tho! I've been wanting to say this for a while, but I'm writing another book!! It's gonna be a romance one, and I might have to put this book on hold for a while, but eh! So sorry! Oh and my new book is gonna be called Victor! So YAY!

-Mayo, your author who might put dis book on hold! 😰😨😱

Ev's P.O.V.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair, we we're going to tell them today, I was so nervous. I honestly thought it was too early to tell them but, then again nah.

There was a knock on the door, and I went to get it, but Lucy opened it before me, and in came Lily, smiling smugly, and passing flirtatious smiles towards Lucy. I fake gagged.

Lucy glared at me and Lily looked my way, and scowled. "Uh, who are you!?" "I'm, Evangeline, just call me Ev," I deadpanned.

She just flipped her hair and went towards the living room, how she knew where it was, I don't know.

There was another knock on the door, when I opened it, there were both Avery and Venus, I honestly thought they had a thing, they always came here together.

We all went to the living room, and man was it awkward, Venus looked at me, confused to why her stepsis and some random man were here, but said nothing.

"Ok, why is Monroe and some random dude here?" Ave asked. "Yeah, if I knew James would be here, I would've stayed home," Lily sneered. "The feelings mutual," Ave said. Venus finally spoke up and said, "Yeah, I thought this was gonna be a movie night, why are my stepsis and  some dude here?!"

I raised my hand for everyone to just shut up and said, "Ok, please can everyone one be quiet, Me, Lucy, Alex, and Vince will explain everything."

Ave and Venus looked confused, and Venus said, "Wait, I thought you said Lucy was a girl and she liked Lily, and that Lily liked Avery, and she wasn't lesbian or bi, so why....??"

Lily looked plain offended, I almost laughed at her expression, she spoke up and said, "Ewwwwww, like James, that will be like, NEVER!!" I smiled.

"Uh, yeah, so you see Lucy is a guy his real name is Lucifer, and he's the Devil, and well you all have super powers and there's this shadow that wants to kill Eva, cause she has like super powers, the best granted from The Lord aka God himself, and we need you all to help us make the Shadow go back to the ShadowRealm, where dark shadows stay, so yeah," Alex said, rubbing his neck, smiling sheepishly.

"ALEX!!" Lucy, Vince, and Me yelled at the same time. "What?" Alex asked. "You can't just drop all this information on them like this! You know how long it took me to finally believe all this!" He just smiled sheepishly.

"WAIT, WHAT!? Ave, Lily, and Venus screamed at the same time. Whoops, I almost forgot about them! Lucy looked at them, sheepishly, and said,"Well, uh, we weren't planning on telling you that way, but yeah, I guess, hard to take in, but it's all true."

Me, Alex, and Vince all nodded. And Vince spoke,"Yeah, but don't get us wrong, we're still your guys friends, we weren't faking that, we're the same people, all of us, even you guys, it's just we all have powers, and no Lily, we're not your friends!"

Well, that took forever!! There reactions were exactly like mine, on the inside. We all explained after they got over there shock, and surprisingly, they all agreed to go back to San Francisco with us.

Lily and Vince were still awkward. I got up and said, "Ok, Vince, Lily, please stop being so awkward! Can you not just talk this all out!?"

Vince spoke, "Talk what out!? She cheated on me! I moved! And she's a slut! What else is there to say!?" Lily looked like she was about to cry.

"You moved! You left me when I was at my worst! I cheated on you, and I'm sorry for that!! I took being a model as an opportunity for to forget about you! I hate myself for doing what I did! I have no romantic interest in you anymore, but I want to make this at peace between us! I want to be friends! You know hard it is, trying to ignore the stereotypes! I don't have any disorders! I'm perfectly fine! I hate the rumors, and I'm not trying to be rude to the people who do have disorders, I just hate the rumors about me having them!! I'm not a slut! I haven't had a boyfriend since you! I'm still a virgin! My parents had that divorce, a-and it broke me, my mom was and is my rock, but my Dad, he wanted me to move with him! I-I didn't know what to do! I hated my Dad, still do! He always made me feel like I was nothing, and I needed to do more! So I accepted that Model request so he could be proud! He still isn't proud at me! You don't know how hard it is, trying to look up to him! I gave up! Alright! I'm really sorry for what I did, that's no excuse for that! But I hate myself even more for doing that! So, I'm sorry, please forgive me!

We all were surprised, who new, Model Lily Monroe, was so broken, on the inside. Lily was crying now, tears running down her face. I now knew I respected this girl for putting up for all that, she wasn't a stupid slut, she was a broken girl, looking for forgiveness and friends!

Vince took Lily's hand and into the kitchen, looking upset, hurt, and most of all confused.


It was a while before they came back, Vince had his arm around Lily, and they both were smiling like idiots, for a minute I thought they kissed that was until Vince saw my expression and said, I quote "Jeez, we didn't kiss Ev, we're just friends!" And I of course, blushed, embarrassed.

And surprisingly, Venus, Lily and Me actually got along, after Lily apologized to her sister for bullying her all the time, it was cause she was jealous of her beauty and kindness, and she thought Venus had the perfect life, when she really didn't, I mean her mom died when she was young, just like me. This was another reason why I got along with Venus so easily, she could relate to me, cause her own mother died when she was young.

We were all chatting and happy, I hope it would stay like this for a while, before all the drama and danger comes...

Hi! I know! You didn't expect that from Lils, but well yeah! She's a broken girl, not really, kinda I guess! I absolutely love Lily, along with Vince, Lucy, Alex, Ave aka Avery if you didn't find that out already, and Ev!

I made Lily like that, cause in most of the books, there's always a mean girl, and we'll, I wanted to make sure that all people have a story, and you shouldn't judge them because if rumors and stereotypes others give them! I hate people who judge because nobody should feel that they have to make someone happy, you are who you are!  So yeah! Mwah, mwah 😘

Well, unless I know you and your a great person, but you can't help but judge, then eh, we're Coolio!



Thanks peeps! 

-Mayo, your author who doesn't judge, and hate people who do judge!

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