Cian is back with babies

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Ever since I had found the ultrasound picture that belong to Cian and me knowing that he's having kids and those kids are my baby brother's kids. And Lance has a baby and a lover by his sode tagt made him happy already. But how on earth did tgis happen, when Lance and Cian were still together they had sex most of the time but never got pregnant during their time. And now after all of their problem this is the biggest one yet. And mother knew it all she been hiding this from all of us and for Ashton to not know that his own brother has kids and not just one baby but twins! I was in my office all morning thinking about what would i do should i tell Lance or not. But the biggest question i have for Lance is why have a change of heart for Cian and be with June? Don't get me wrong, June is a good person but Lance stopped communicating with Cian after we all forced him to go to the club. And hanged out with June for awhile leaving Cian alone for just a couple of weeks. I know that i slept with a person but I couldn't leave my pregnant mate alone just becuase the person i slept with.
"Bae? Erin wants to be with you" Eric kissed me on my cheeck.
"Sure i miss my little bud also"i walked out of the office and saw my little vampire on the floor with big turquoise eyes lit up with happiness.
"Ah there's my little sucker hi Erin" Erin babble and put his arms up for me to carry him.
"Tyler is something wrong you know you could tell me" Eric puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Eric, what if there was someone that you never knew have kids" i looked into his eyes but then i saw tears.
"T-tyler are you saying you got someone pregnant other than me!" He hit me on my back
"No Eric, i would not do that but my friend just have that situation"he stopped and looks at me
"You better not lie to me or eles i won't stay here any longer" turing his back at me
"I would never lie to you your my one and only with our little blood sucker here" i passionately kissed him with Erin doing his baby talk.
Familt meeting
"Son your mother wont be here this whole week" the king said
"What did you do this time father" Lance said
"Just let them be their figure it out themself"Landon answered
"Well now father, the king that will be visiting us will be here this week." Achiyo said
"And they are well... their are the p-parents of Mark Night and Jax Night" Achiyo stutter
"W-what the strong kingdom wants to visit us for what?" Andrew asked
"It has to be that problem, call Liam and Ashton here so that Ashton cam reason with his grandparents." The king said and left the room
"Jax my parents will be here and take us to the Dark palace" i went in the room and saw jax in tears with Cian's picture in his clutch
"Come on Jax he wont be able to come back now..." I went to him and he hugged me
"Mark i miss him. He didn't even have a good job or know his grand parents, only Ashton and Aiden." He cried harder
"Jax it's ok we'll find him ok"i tried to calm him down.
"Mark this is the biggest mistake to let him go out of no where he could stay. He probably out there with no shelter and food." Jax cried harder and yes i know we did something that shoukd have never been done
"Guys Tyler been acting weird and he's like in deep thought" i said
"Well then let him be" Rain said in a 'duh' tone.
"How long has he been doing that" Ryan asked.
"For couple of days, i know let's have a vaca!" I said
"Ummm where and we have kids" Elliot said
"Let's just go to that one place that's near the palace ok its really not that far from here, lets bring our kids and have fun with them it'll be like a play date for our kids" whisper yell.
"Sure" they all say
"What is that place Eric?" Ryan asked.
"Well duh, mother's vacation house! She haven't been using those houses for 5 years" i said
"Which one the one near the river or the one near mother's palce?" Elliot aaked.
"Lets be near the river!"i said excited.
"Bit if i don't like it we'll go to the one near mother's palace got it" Rain said.
"Ok! We leave now!"i yelled
"Sure"they all said together
I left a long letter to Tyler and waited for everyone. Once everyone was here we went to the our vacation. We got there and the house that was near the river was a mess so we went to the otehr one, but it seems like someone was there. That was weird and i went and knock and the door open and i saw Cian hold a baby
"C-cain h-how...a b-baby" i stutter
"Uhh i-" he began to say
"Cian who's that if it the maids tell thne to come in" and mother came to the door"
"Ah? Why are you guys here?" She said
"W-we came to h-have a vaca" ryan said
"Cian you have kids?"then there was another cry in the house but the baby that he was hold ing wasn't even crying. He ran to the house and unlocked the door for us to come in.
We got inside and saw a room in dark navy blue and there was two cribs. Cian put the sleeping baby down and rocked the other baby
"H-hey guys s-sorry but um h-how are y-you g-guys doing?" He started
"Cian are these babies yours" nodded his head
"Is it his"Elliot asked and his head shook yes
"T-twins"Rain then added and shook his head yea
"Ummm this one I'm holding is August Ever Night and the one sleeping is Ace Ray Night" he said we all cooed they look so cute and dreamy
"Cian why didnt you call us?"i said
"Well all i know is that i didnt want to bother you guys" we all cried and hugged him saying we missed him so much as well as Ashton.

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