Ace and August Night

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I was alone in my worn out apartment room, I was craving for pudding with dark blood drizzle on it. Ever since the incident i haven't been out much or would want to go to work. So I got another job just in case if they would come again, and I even lost my ultrasound picture of my babies but really its ok because i have another one. I got up and ate my breakfast it was just crackers and drank my milk, even though i perfer blood smoothie. I got dress in very big clothes and wanted the day to end already, i walked out of my apartment and went to work. I work for 8 hours at day and night i would be staying at home but now since i have another job I'll be working non stop. As the day gone by it was hard to work in a body that can't do many things. I got home with a sore body and wanted a massage but i know its worth a lot of money so i don't bother to try and get a massage. Its been hard on me since now i have babies not a baby. With no parental support and money to with myself or my babies. Also im now mateless and will never find another mate because I'm a submissive type and not a dominate type that how the vampire world works. I started to feel a little sad so i rub my belly
"Hey babies sorry that mommy isn't eating that much to help both of you guys grow but I'm trying my best. And I'm sorry that you wont be able to see daddy when your both born, so I'll be mommy and daddy for the blth of you" i said as i cried to my babies hope that they heard me and will understand that they won't have what other kids have when their old enough to know. I slept on the kitchen table when i was done crying, my lige was is a rollercoaster but I'll manage to go through it for my babies.
3 months later

June and i had a healthy baby boy he was born exactly at 12 am in the morning. He is my life and i would never leave him ever. Even if he was born a little late but its ok i know that at 5 month he'll never be out
"June babe I love you and will always be with you" i kissed June and our baby.
"Lance me too and hope that our baby will grow up strong" he then kiss our baby, Dylan Zane Dark. My brothers came in the room with their kids they are all 4 or 5 month old with their mate.
"Hey baby bro how's Dylan doing?" Achiyo hold on to Angel his daughter.
"He's fine now that we all have kids lets go and have fun today next time with our kids" as i look at June and Dylan.
"Hey Lance come out we need to talk to you for a bit"Tyler,Landon,Andrew and Achiyo went put the door.
"Yeah what did you need to talk about guys" and Tyler looked at me in rage of angry
"Where's Cian Night, Lance" Tyler said firmly
"I dont know and I've already broke up the bond" and a slap came across my face for the first time after all the months that their mate lecture me and this the first that they said anything about Cian Night.
"He was your mate and now your with another with a baby now so i believe that Cian is now dead for sure" Landon walked in the room
"I just dont have those feeling that i once had and all that feeling is with June" i hit the wall
"Well then enjoy your life with your LOVER thats isn't your MATE." They left inside the room. What did i do just to get all this happen in these months but i know that June is with me and Cian isn't in my heart anymore. He probably asked them to do that just to get revenge for doing that to him
I'm 7 almost 8 months along my pregnancy, just one more month then I'll be able to hold and kiss my babies. I was at work and my shift was about to end i then walk out in the dark. Then there was a limbo that drove slow enough to follow me. Then the window was pulled down
"Excuse me but have you seen or heard the name of Cian Night?" i panick i shook my head no and act like i never heard of him.
"Well then sorry but if you hear anout him could you please contact to royal family" then that person left. I can't believe that they are trying to find me but why now? Why when they probably has a kid. I wanted out of this place good thing i save up money to move out of this place and might live in another town. I walked home in a fast pace do that i could look for a place in another place. I've been in this place for 7 month with good and bad time. The time of sadness and happiness. The first time that the babies kicked. But it's now or never if i leave I'll have a chance of a good job and place to stay with better environment.
As i thought all the place been full and lots of money that i camt afford but it's fine once i work and my babies are out. This week is my first week of 8 months and i have to stay home just in case any thing happen to me or if I'm in labor.
Couple of weeks later
Its the 7th week of 8 months and I've been having sharp pains in those week. I was trying to get up when a horrible pain hit me causing me to yell in pain. This pain came back every 10 minute, i call the nurse that i can't comw to the hospital and would have a homw birth because i can't get up. The doctor and nurse came in 30 minutes with my landlord helping them come in.
"Has your water broke" i nodded my head yes
"Ok now since home birth are difficult to deal with we'll try our best" the doctor said
"We'll tell you to start pushing once your ready"
(I wanna um skip this part cuz I'm tired of typing plus i need time to think of the names)
I gave birth to two beautiful baby boys. I've name the older one Ace Ray Night and the younger one August Ever Night

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