[ six ]

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[ six ] 

Spencer needed a good lay was what it was. But lately she had been feeling just sad. She couldn't pick herself up and her only source of hope was the billboard, which had been taken down.

She tried taking care of herself - she went to every kind of salon possible, but even that didn't work.

One day, Spencer just got in the car and started driving. Maybe it would just get her mind off of things. Maybe she'd come back as a new, independent person.

She knew deep down that it wouldn't happen, but a girl could hope.

After taking multiple wrong turns and getting herself lost in a local town, Spencer decided to park somewhere and ask where exactly she was and how to get back.

She went into the nearest restaurant and asked the very attractive host. He smiled and told her where to go.

"Thank you," she said, slipping him a pre-written paper with her number on it for good measure.

She sighed and got back into her car. This was just who she was. No one was going to like her this way, especially not someone like Calum.

She felt the tears coming and knew that she wouldn't be able to drive in this state. She dug her palms into her eye sockets, willing the stinging to stop.

The extreme winds outside were scaring her, especially since she was right underneath a huge tree.

She took a deep breath and put her key in the car to get a new parking space. She only drove about five feet before she almost ran over a pedestrian wearing a Nirvana shirt.

She cursed as she realized it was Calum. No no no. Calum could not see her in a mess like this.

But Calum-the-romantic had to come around and greet the beautiful girl who almost ran over him.

"Hey Spence."

She sniffed and deliberately didn't look at him. "You said you wanted nothing to do with me."

"Well who am I to resist a beautiful girl?"

She refrained from giving him a few choice descriptions of just exactly who he was. 

Spencer nearly drove away then and there, but Calum's face turned serious. "Listen, I'm sorry, I just - I'm looking for love, not just a relationship, you know? I don't just want a fuck-buddy."

She cringed minimally. "I wouldn't have been your fuck-buddy, Calum. Maybe if you had gotten to know me, you would have discovered that."

He paused, then looked at her thoughtfully. "You know, you're right. Give me another chance," he implored.

She rolled her eyes and drove away, nearly running over his foot. He was so ridiculous.

But Spencer wouldn't let Calum see the tears.


almost done ☹ second to last chapter

dedicated to the love of my life and source of my jealousy aka willow (the bitch)


Spencer ↣ Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now