[ two ]

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[ two ] 

Spencer sat in the coffee shop, pencil tapping on the table. She should have been thinking about what to write for her essay, but her mind was preoccupied by thoughts of how lucky she was to have gotten a table in the crowded coffee shop, and of the rude boy she had met the day before in front of the billboard.

Most of the time, when a boy walked near her, she'd turn on the charm and try to get them to like her. It usually didn't work but it was always worth a try.

Calum had been right about one thing, though: she certainly was a romantic.

And he had said that he was a romantic as well. She seriously doubted it, although she wished it to be true. A romantic was the best type of guy there was.

It meant that he believed in fate. In true love.

She smiled at the barista who brought her her drink. He didn't have to bring it to her - he hadn't done it for anyone else - he could've just called out her name - but he did, and he smiled back at her. "I hope you enjoy your drink. It's my favourite, too."

"Thanks, yeah it's the best."

He seemed interested and she didn't want to turn him away, so she asked him when he got off of his shift.

He chuckled. "It's never-ending, let me tell you. But maybe I can sneak in a break in the next ten minutes or so. Will you still be here?"

Spencer nodded with a flirtatious smile. "Sounds good."

After he went back, she willed herself to write at least some of her essay, knowing she wasn't going to get any of it done if he was sitting in front of her. Nothing came to her.

She thought once more of fate, of Calum, the boy she had met in front of the billboard.

She mentally shrugged. He had had his chance with her. Time to move over for barista-guy.

And besides, if it were meant to be, it would happen.

That was what Calum told himself as he left the coffee shop sadly.

aw calum bby dont do this to yourself i still love you

i dont even speak portuguese but im obsessed with the song on the side ((nO not bc of neymar...only partly bc of neymar) x

Spencer ↣ Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now