I Will Always Love You

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And Iiiiiiiei will always loveeee you!!!!! So a little intro srry I haven't been on for a while... I got an amazing idea from 5_boys_took_me_home and if u haven't heard that Whitney Houston song ^ up above, please do it is legen... Wait for it... DAIRY!! 😂 And I'm doing a new thing for u guys to get a new chapter.


I got a call from my mom wondering why she would call so late. "Hello?"

She replied as if she had been crying and with concern and panic laced within her voice," Seve... I'm so sorry-"

I cut her off," Mom? What happened?" Then the realization hit me... they went to go visit Nash. No, no, no, this can't be happening.

She assured my prediction by simply stating," Nash, he's in the hospital... you should come fast it's, it's bad.."

My heart sunk I got in my car and raced to the hospital, and with high hopes, prayed that he would be okay.

Sooo now I'm going to do a new thing for chapters if u want the next chapter it simply relies on your fellow readers... 5 comments below and 5 vote things!!

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