And So It Begins

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"NO!" screamed Tom. He ran a few paces after the monster, "RUBY!" it faded into the distance.

Lennox pulled the back of his suit jacket. "Stop, just stop! We need to regroup, come up with a plan!"

Cade shoved Lennox, "Here's a plan for ya, we follow that over sized bird, we get Ruby, and we get the hell off this excuse of a planet before it blows."

"Blows?" Lennox let go of Tom, "I thought we were going with the catapult?"

Cade waved his hands, "Simmons babbles a lot, okay? I might have that wrong, it's beside the point!"

While they bickered, Nemesis Prime picked himself up and shot out of sight. 

"Boys, boys, calm down," Hound boomed. He, Bee and Crosshairs stood behind each of the men. 

"We're wasting time," spat Tom, "I know where they'll take her," He pointed to the cave.

As they looked, the enemy suddenly retreated all around them. Decepticons made for the city, leaving the soldiers scratching their heads.

"All units," Santos came over Lennox's radio, "Retreat immediately, I repeat, all units, retreat. T minus ten minutes."

"What's going on?" said Tom. He didn't seem afraid, he was furious. Those crystal blue eyes were pure ice, and those sharp cheekbones looked like blades. His black hair was remarkably in place, and even his black suit was still relatively clean. He was a boss on a mission.

"It's starting. There's a plot to throw Cybertron out of our atmosphere," said Lennox, "And most likely blow it up. There's no time."

"Well I'll make time," Tom turned to Cade, "Are you in?"

The men frowned at each other, brown eyes against blue, then, without breaking eye contact, Cade said: "Bee, let's go."

The autobots all transformed and revved their engines. Lennox looked from the cars to the planes taking the soldiers to safety. He swore under his breath and got in to Hound's cab.


Ruby groaned. She lay on something hard, sharp and cold. She could smell hot metal, stagnant water and...blood?

"Don't move, just one more second," said a sweet voice.

Pain seared through Ruby's side like cold fire. It faded as quickly as it came.


Ruby floated to her feet against her will and came face to face with Quintessa. Her over sized lilac orbs flooded Ruby's vision. She couldn't move.

"My little jewel, as good as new!" said the creator, "I have healed your wounds. I need you at full strength, especially since my warriors have failed to bring me the last token. They're almost as difficult to train as the Dragonstorm."

Her face twisted into what Ruby presumed was supposed to be a smile.

"No matter, you'll just have to hold out the tiniest bit longer until Cybertron is restored. I have faith in you Ruby." She moved aside a strand of her hair like she was her mother.

"My maker," growled Megatron from behind.

Quintessa released Ruby from her spell and she fell back in a heap. Her fingers searched her smooth skin for her wounds where the dragon's fangs had pieced her body.  One injury had been across her shoulder, on top of another scar made by a spear from a battle with the Fallen, many years ago. That scar was still there, thick and ugly, but the only evidence of the fresh wound was the dark blood stains on her black hoody and the huge tears in the fabric. The other wound had been through her side. Nothing. 

Ruby ripped off the shredded hoody and stood up. She was on a small platform, carved with symbols. Other than more platforms dotted across the wall, Ruby could see nothing but empty air to fall through. Was she in a tower with no top or bottom? 

"I have failed you," 

Megatron bowed before Quintessa on the adjacent platform. 

"Yes, my knight, you have." she pressed her hand to his cheek and his tusks flashed red like she'd smeared blood down his face, "But it is not vital. The reaction will go ahead as planned, it'll just take a little longer to complete,"

"And the girl?"

"Ruby has unimaginable strength and power. She is strong enough for this. Because of her, our planet will be beautiful again."

"Excellent," he drawled. He clicked his fingers together like pincers, "I can't wait to see the retched planet Earth turned to nothing but star dust!"

"My maker,"

Nemesis Prime landed on the platform next to Ruby. Her heart flipped in her chest.

Quintessa drifted over to him, her tentacles squirming. Ruby curled her lip. Disgusting creature. She'd taken away her Optimus. Now she would pay.

Ruby's body filled with power. She blasted white fire at Quintessa. It lit the dark tower, even blinding Ruby herself.

A sickly giggle stopped Ruby's attack. The light dispersed, leaving Quintessa untouched. Ruby clenched her fists.

"You think you can use my own power against me? You are just delightful!" Quintessa clasped her hands together. 

"My maker, others are coming," said Prime, "They are in the tunnels."

Quintessa waved her hand, dismissing him, "Then go and deal with it, my warriors,"

Megatron and Prime growled at each other as they set off. Whatever spell was cast on them, it clearly did not nullify their hatred of each other.

"Now. We must begin. Come, Ruby,"

Ruby looked down at the black, open space mere inches from her feet. The darkness would swallow her whole.

"I won't let you plummet to your death, trust me, my dear one,"

Ruby felt her pulling at her brain; her anger faded and her feet shuffled forwards. Unable to stop herself, she stepped off the platform. 

Her body became weightless. Yet she didn't fall. Her hair spread out. There was no gravity through the middle of the tower. 

"Come, we must go right to the planet's core."

Quintessa floated them both down, down, down. Instead of getting darker, there was light. And at the bottom, arranged into a shield, were the twelve tokens, slotted together like puzzle pieces. The shield's left corner was missing. Cade's token should go there. 

Quintessa drifted to the edge of the tower, leaving Ruby suspended immediately over the shield, several meters up, unable to move, unable to fight. 

Ruby - Transformers: The Last KnightWhere stories live. Discover now