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"Is that a dragon?" Lennox whispered to Ruby as they crept around sky high, black hexagon structures. He pointed to the top of the nearest tower.

"Don't be ridiculous," she hissed back, "It's an multi-headed alien monster,"

"That's new,"

The big dragon clung to the tip of a spiral at the top of the tower. It was similar in size to Grimlock, and, from the orange light around its heads, it breathed fire too. It stretched out its metallic wings, blocking out the sun, and took flight. It circled the buildings and landed back on the same tower.

"It's on the look out for something."

"Or someone," Lennox gestured to her glowing bracelet.

Ruby shrugged and wrinkled her nose. The smell of rotting, decaying things intensified the further they ventured into what must have been a city. 

"Are you sure Prime went this way?"

"I'm not sure of anything," said Lennox, flexing his fingers on his gun, "This place freaks me out."

The pair tiptoed on, ducking into doorways large enough for elephants whenever the winged monster took flight and sticking to narrow alleys.

"What was that?" Lennox crouched down and propped his gun on his knee, "Alien rats?"

Ruby held up her hand and peered around the corner. She couldn't see anything, but;

"And why do you think this will work?" It was Tom's voice! Ruby ran down the street, following the voice.

"She will come for you." Nemesis Prime's voice had her heart punching her ribcage.

"No, she will come for you!" 

Ruby reached the end of the street and found herself in a bleak courtyard. In the middle was some sort of giant, black tree. Rotting weeds hung off the walls. Tom was in the far corner, shadowed by Nemesis Prime. 

"Tom!" she cried. She got a good glimpse of him, unbound and unharmed, before Prime drove his giant sword in between them. Ruby looked up into his purple orbs, seeing nothing of Optimus.

"Come with me," he said, "And your Tom goes free."

"No Ruby don't!" Lennox came hurtling into the courtyard. He aimed his weapon up at Prime's face.

Ruby tried to remember how to breathe. A shell of the autobot leader stood before her, devoid of emotion. He had to come back to them, to stop this madness. She'd been unprepared last time, on the beach, but now, she was ready.

Ruby stretched out her right arm as if reaching for something on the ground. The bracelet obeyed her, and a long, flaming sword of light formed out of her hand until the tip rested on the ground. Lennox took several steps back.

Prime's eyes flashed and he banged his sword against the ground again. Ruby's teeth rattled.

"Have you forgotten who I am?" he growled.

Ruby raised her own sword, getting a feel for it, "No, but you have,"

His mouth guard slammed down. He lifted his sword. Ruby looked for Tom, but he had vanished!

Prime spotted them before she did: Lennox had his hand on Tom's back, pushing him towards a narrow gap at the other end of the yard. He was resisting, his blue eyes wild, searching for Ruby.

She bolted for him. Prime grabbed for her. She jumped away from his outstretched fingers, but not the way he expected. She landed on his shoulder, just like old times. But unlike old times, she stuck her sword under a gap in his armour. 

He gasped and dropped his sword. "No!" he roared, "I will not fail!"

Ruby led Prime away from Lennox and Tom, spinning to block his attacks when he got too close. She had the advantage in the city, being small, but soon she ran out of towers. And the crashing footsteps behind her began to fade.

Prime changed course. He was going back for Tom.

Ruby tore through the first deception who dared to get in her way. She split him in half with her sword without breaking her stride. Prime was gaining on Lennox and Tom. She wasn't going to intercept in time.

The sword hummed against her skin. She shifted her grip. Drew back her arm. And sent it flying through the air. She was rewarded by the satisfying sound of it deflecting Prime's outstretched fist.

The move bought her just enough time to get between Prime and his prey. His hide flashed blue and red as he turned towards her and, gripping his sword with both hands, tried to bring it down on her head. Ruby caught the blade between her hands. Sparks flew as he pulled it free of her grasp. 

Ruby shook out her hands. That burned. He slashed and swung and Ruby danced, blocking every blow. She ducked and jumped, spun and twirled. 

"You will yield to me!" he yelled.

"Oh shut it!" she yelled back, and twisted his sword right out of his hands. It spiralled out of reach.

Prime didn't even hesitate. One moment his hand held his sword, and the next it held Tom. 

Ruby froze with her hands outstretched, ready to deliver the finishing blow. Prime's long, metal fingers covered Tom's entire body. It was as good as holding a gun to his temple. 

Prime's eyes flickered blue. "Forgive me." 

He wanted her to do it. He wanted her to stop him. 

"No!" She took control of his fingers and made him drop Tom. She rushed forwards and caught him, then pushed him into Lennox. She whirled round and landed a blow on Prime's head, denting his helm and knocking him out.

"Run!" she screamed at them.

Tom struggled, "I'm not leaving you here!"

"I have to bring him back,"

Cade and Bee came out of the fray to help them. Ruby's eyes went to Cade; 

"You know what to do," she said.

He just stared at her, mouth open, then: "Watch out!"

The alien dragon swooped down and the middle head clamped Ruby in it's jaws.

"AHHH!" she screamed. Metal fangs drove through her body like stakes, holding her still. Cybertron's surface dropped away, as did the voices crying her name. 

Somewhere, Megatron laughed.

Ruby - Transformers: The Last KnightWhere stories live. Discover now