From Alien Beach, With Love

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Ruby entered and left the cockpit in the same breath. In fact, she fell out of it, landing squarely on her rear at the sight of the brilliant gold humanoid. Afterwards, she supposed it looked more like something out of Star Wars, but initially, it looked like Charlotte, reminding her of the first time she had been on the receiving end of a transformers attack. Back then she had been untrained, powerless and utterly terrified. 

"This is her? The girl can't even stay on her own two feet," said the humanoid in a pompous voice.

"Nice to meet you too," Ruby mumbled, unable to pick her dignity up with herself. 

"Oh, don't mind Cogman," said the old man, eyes still shut, "He's highly opinionated."

Ruby spent the rest of the long flight trying to squash her irrational fear of Cogman. Her mind turned over the problem at hand: the planet's impending doom. What was coming, who was responsible, where was Optimus? 

Finally, the plane began to decline. Ruby and Cade exchanged nervous glances, partly over the unknown  waiting for them on the ground, and partly because the plane was falling apart, if the rattling, groaning metal was anything to go by. 

Ruby did not expect what she saw when the door opened. No grim-faced soldiers, no looming storm clouds, not a weapon in sight. Her breath caught in her throat. A warm, salty breeze brushed the hair out of her face. Sun rays kissed her cheeks. Stretched out in front of her was a calm ocean, ebbing back and forth under a glorious sunset of peaches and pinks. 

"It's beautiful," she said, stepping onto the beach. 

"Where are we?" asked Cade, following Ruby. 

"Paradise, I think," 

Cade looked out of place, his ripped and singed shirt too destructive for such a peaceful backdrop. She supposed she looked no better. Goodness only knew how many knots were in her long blonde hair, and ash floated off her jacket with every move.

"We're in Hawaii!" cried the old man with glee.

"We're in Cuba you crack pot!"


Ruby ran around the side of the plane, barely noticing the two Lamborghini's, and threw herself at the slender man with graying brown curls and crazy eyes. He whirled her around.

"Gosh you're heavy," he said. 

She thumped him, grinning ear to ear, "What are you doing here?"

"I live here; Cuba's much more relaxed than the rest of the world, they granted asylum to the transformers and-"

"Here's where he escaped to when the FBI tried to bring him in," the old man cut in.

"It was not the FBI dad!"


"Anyway!" Simmons snapped, "There's no time to lose! Congratulations on your engagement, by the way,"

Ruby's smile shrunk. She fiddled with the ring, guilt prickling over her skin, "Thanks."

"I'm Cade, by the way," he put his hand up.

"The name's Simmons, Sector twelve, formally eight, formar-formally sector seven,"

Bumble Bee squashed his yellow self out of the plane door and sidled up to the black lambo with red trim. He eyed it, whirring noises coming from his throat, then he banged a fist down on the matte black bonnet.

"Bee!" Cade scolded him.

The glass over the supercar headlights slid aside, revealing pistols. The Lambo sprayed fluid in Bee's face. Another transformer, then.

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