Chapter ten - We look scary?

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Chapter 10

“You're okay?” Ashley asks when we step into his room.

It did take us ten minutes to get up here because I had to have special permission to leave my room, it's really hard talking a doctor into such things, but he seemed somehow scared of us, so he let me go.

“Fine, just got shot you know, everything is alright” he says and smile.

“Good to hear man, we were worried as fuck” Jake says.

“And Music, are you okay?” Andy turns hid head to ask me.

“Yeah I'm, fine” I say and look at the floor.

“Good, when can we get the hell out of here then?” he reach after his stuffs on the table next to him.

“What are you talking about, you're going to stay here, at least a month dude, remember your last accident? They're not gonna let you out just like that.” Jinxx says and put a hand on his shoulder.

“But we have a music video to film, I can't just stay here, we haven't made one since coffin, and that's a year ago.” he tries to stand up, but you can see the pain he's feeling on his face, he can't go anywhere.

“No man, we can always wait, the fans doesn't even know about it, there's no need to hurry.” Jinxx says in a try to calm him.

“We can't wait, I just found out what today is, May the 8th, we were told that we can only use that place today, and tomorrow, this is our only chance, we need to do it, even if it means haing to sneak out of here.” Andy says and push Jinxx to the side.

He gets on his feet with a lot of trouble and look at us. “This is possible the most important of all our music videos, I don't wanna screw it up, come on, we have had much going against us, so much ruining our plans, this is not going to canceled, this is going to happen, even if I have to walk over there myself.” he says quite confident and serious.

We stare at each other. I don't have anything to say, never thought this was that important, I just thought, it was a video, nothing that big, but Andy seem to take it very seriously.

“Andy, I know you're willing to leave at any time, but the doctor said that Music needed to stay here for at least three days, she hit her head really bad, maybe she even lost more of her memory.” CC finally says.


They all turn to stare at me.

“No CC, I didn't loose more memory.” I look him in the eyes. “I got it back”

They all gasp. “Music?” CC´s eyes look lost.

“I remember everything now, my whole life, bad sides,” I look down. “And good sides.” I look up at Danny. “I remember the concert, having the time of my life, and I actually shared that time with Danny, why did you never told me you were at the concert too?” I ask with tears in my eyes.

“I guess.” he looks down. “I didn't wanted you to know, that I lost you. Just all of a sudden, you were gone, I promised myself to keep an eye on you, to never let you out of my sight. But I lost you, and I couldn't find you again, the ambulance had already taken you away, I'm sorry.” I can hear he's more sorry than he says.

“It's okay Danny, I got saved.” I say and smile widely. “Let's go.” I say and get really exited.

“Well, our only problem is to sneak past the doctors” Jake says.

I laugh a little. “Did you even see how scared that one doctor was, I'm pretty sure he thought we were Satan´s children or something” I smile and sign them to follow me.

As we get to the door, Andy suddenly remembers; “Wait, my clothes, I can't make a video in a fucking hospital dress” he say and look down at himself.

“Me neither.” I say and look at my bloody dress.

“We'll find clothes then, now come on, I can see guards!” Ashley says and freaks out.

We run out and over to the parking lot, looks like there's no van, where the hell is it. A big limo comes driving fast towards us, it stops right in front of us and the window rolls down.

“You're not getting rid of me that easy guys” Sammi says and smile.

“You don't know how much I love you right now” Jinxx say and smile back at her.

“I think I got and idea of how much dear, now come on, we're already late, and there's clothes for all of you in the back, made specially for this.”

The door opens in the back by itself. We all run in there.

“We're here, is everyone ready?” Sammi asks as she opens the door so we can get out.

We get out to see Asking Alexandria stand a few meters from us. Their faces glow as they see us, I smile to them too, it's a joy to see them again. I look down at myself while the others go up to them, I'm wearing a dress again, this time it's of pure leather, and with red fabric under it, so it big and kinda princess-ish. Just a lot darker. No shoes though. Sammi said I had to change to something else at some point, but right now I shouldn't think of that.

“Music!” Danny yells gladly and run over to lift me up.

“I've missed you too Danny” I say and smile.

He puts me down and I ask what the hell they're doing here.

“Me and Ben are going to be in the video too, you know, 'cause we were there to help you when you were”

“Hey!” CC yells at him. “Not now.” he says.

“Sorry, but haven't you told her what the video is about?” Danny asks them confused.

“No, we kinda haven't” Andy says.

“What?” I say and look at all of them, one by one.

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