1. Dirt

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It's not even first period yet and I already want the day to be over, Craig bitterly thought as he rested his head against his locker, pretending to listen to whatever Token and Clyde were rambling on about.

The three of them were huddled together like usual in front of Craig's locker, chatting before the bell rang that signaled the start of classes. Today was an unusually bad day already, thanks to the pulsing headache that rhythmically pounded against Craig's skull. What a perfect way to start off the morning.

Clyde's laughter snapped Craig out of his sullen thoughts and he tried to wrap his attention around their conversation, but that ended up failing. Instead, he seemed to only focus on everyone else but the two in front of him.

His gaze flickered past Token, who was standing directly in front of him, and he watched the other cliques that were scattered about down the long hallway. Nearly everyone was apart of a tight-knit group of friends, though he pondered the validity of all of the high school friendships. Everyone was so fake and predictable.

"Tucker!" Craig nearly jumped out of his skin as his last name was suddenly yelled by Clyde.

"Dude, what the fuck," Craig gasped, bewildered. A sharp pain went through his forehead and he cringed, a hand instinctively floating up to grab at his head.

"I told you he wasn't listening," mumbled Token.

"What's the matter with you?" Clyde asked him, clearly noticing that Craig was in pain. "Wait... are you hungover?"

"Isn't it obvious?" grumbled Craig, still rubbing his forehead hopelessly.

"Seriously? It's Monday!" exclaimed Token. "Who gets wasted on a Sunday night?"

"Wait - you were at Bebe's, weren't you?" Clyde demanded.

Craig bit back a smile, thankful for the lucky excuse. Of course Bebe Stevens had a party that weekend, like she did every weekend, and of course that was on Clyde's mind. Since their breakup, she was always on his mind.

"I guess you figured me out," he smirked, the lie coming out easily. "Congrats, Donovan."

"Really?" Clyde raged, crossing his arms defensively. "You know how much she fucked me over. You're my best friend - why the hell would you be getting wasted at my ex's party?"

Craig almost scoffed at the "best friend" remark. He couldn't be more wrong. They weren't his friends; he didn't have friends.

"Morning to you too, Clyde," a cold voice spoke and Craig's head turned in time to see Bebe walking past them with Wendy Testaburger loyally at her side. As they past, Bebe flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and continued to strut down the hallway towards her girl group.

Though Clyde and Token's attention was fixed on Bebe, Craig seemed to be the only one that noticed Wendy timidly glancing back at him. He smirked and gave her a small nod, to which she seemed to flinch and turn away from him. He rolled his eyes and turned back to Clyde, whose gaze was settled on the floor. His expression looked blank, but his eyes read of fury and hurt.

A twinge of guilt poked at Craig's chest. He knew lying about being at Bebe's was wrong and that it hurt Clyde, but the truth of last night wasn't much better and it would definitely raise a few questions, so he swallowed the truth and mumbled a half-assed apology to his "friend."

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?" Everyone in the entire hallway turned to find the source of the sudden commotion, including the three of them.

A few feet away from Craig stood an angry-looking Eric Cartman, who was currently dripping with some type of steaming liquid, which Craig quickly realized was coffee. Cowering in front of him was a scrawny boy with wild blonde hair that looked to be furiously apologizing to Cartman.

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