Chapter 10 -short-

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Percy's point of view:

(1 year ago)

I ran to class as I was late and I knocked over a really beautiful girl. 

She just stared at me and picked up the books she dropped. "See ya," I said as I continued running. I sat in class and thought to myself. 

"I have not seen that girl before..Is she knew?" I asked myself. "Class! We have a new student here. She does not feel like introducing herself so I'll do it for her," Ms Darbus said. "Come on in Eloise, don't be shy," Ms Darbus looked to the door and talked to her.

I tried to look out the door from the sit I was at but I couldn't see anything. When she came in, I was happy that it was the beautiful girl I bumped into. 

She took a deap breath as she looked around the class. She looked really familiar. "Her name is Eloise Talbot and I want you to be nice to her. Find a seat, Eloise," Ms Darbus said, starting her lesson.

ELOISE TALBOT! It was the girl I had a crush on when I was younger.. 

After class, I went to her and said hi. She just stared at me and opened her mouth but nothing came out and then she shook her head and ran away.. Weird girl.

2 weeks later 

"Oh look, its weird girl," Kevin yelled as Eloise entered the class. I looked at her pittifully.

"Hey come one, join me," Kevin said. "Hey weird girl is here everybody!" I yelled with a fake laughter. Then, she gave me a stare and I quickly looked away. I gave up, I couldn't make her talk. My promise to Mum is broken.

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