Chapter 2

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It was tiring day and I went to the toilet to brush my teeth. I still had homework to do. As I brush my teeth, I remember the incident that happened a month ago. I was doing the exact same thing while looking at the mirror, I found myself ugly and that I hated to look at my face so I punched the mirror and it shattered into pieces. It accidently cut my forhead and I was so frustrated I took a piece of the shattered glass and started cutting my wrists.

Now..there isn't anymore mirror. Days after the incident, my mum came into the room and brought a mirror but I saw my own reflection and I yelled at her to get out.

I sat at my study table that was placed beside the window. I heard footsteps at the front door and I looked out of the window. "Does your Mum know I'm here?" a boy said. My sister, Megan, walked towards him and smiled, shaking her head. 

"I sneaked out, we got thirty minutes," she held his hand. Then, the boy leaned in to kiss her.

"Hey love birds, stop it. Megan, get your ass back in!" I yelled at them. The boy looked up and pushed Megan away. "Ew, you're sister is weird girl? Why didn't you tell me?" he yelled at Megan. 

Megan's face turned red and looked as if she was going to cry. "Hey hey! How old are you?" I questioned him. "Urm, 14. Wait, you can talk? I thought you were mute!" he yelled at me.

"Megan! Ass in here NOW!' I yelled at Megan. She ran in the house and in a blink, she was at my door.

"What were you doing? Who was he? He's one year older than you!" I shouted at her. "He's my boyfriend.." Megan whispered.

I just blinked a few times and continued staring at her. "Wait a sec..You're mad because you're just jealous aren't you? That NO ONE likes you?" Megan widened her eyes. To my suprise, I slapped her.

"I hate you! Now everyone's going to know my sister is weird girl and Jack and I will probably be broken up!" Megan cried. "Oh so you think I'm weird too?!" I was so mad that I felt like throwing her out of the window.

"YOU ARE!" Megan stomped her feet and ran out of the room.

I took out my homework and started doing it. 


I turned around and saw my parents there. "What?" I said. "You want to explain why your sister is crying and does not want to get out of the room?" Dad asked. "Do you even know she had a boyfriend?" I asked.

"What? I said no boyfriends till you're sixteen," Mum shook her head, not beleiving Megan would do that. "Its just her 'love' problem. Now leave me alone to do my homework," I said.


"Hey look, its weird girl!" a gril yelled from the lockers. I went over to my locker to get my books. Suddenly,  Percy landed next to my locker, I stared at him, wondering why he was there. 

Ally, a girl that hangs around the basketball team, had her body on Percy's chest and she leaned in to kiss him. I slammed my locker close and walked away. "Urgh, I love you," I heard Ally say.

I walked faster and got into class. "Class, quite down!" Mr.Moore said. "Ah, Ally and Percy you guys are late. What have you two been doing?" Mr.Moore raised his eyebrow. 

"WOOH!" people were whistling, cheering and clapping. "Quite down!" Mr.Moore said again.

Percy sat at his usual seat, the one next to Ally. "Percy, you're not going to sit there today. There is a new girl and she will be sitting there, you will have to seat next to Eloise from now on," Mr.Moore said to Percy.

"Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" his friends said in disgust. "Don't seat with us at the cafeteria anymore, dude," his friends joked. 

Percy shifted to the seat next to mine and moved his seat a few centimeter away. "That wasn't nice Percy. One day, you two will get along really well," Mr.Moore winked at me. I didn't know what to do but just stare at him.

What did he meant by 'get along really well'? Urgh, its not like I care though.

"Did everyone finish your homework?" Mr.Moore asked. Percy raised his hand. "Percy?" 

"My dog ate my homework," Percy said. Everyone laughed. "You do know that that is a very old and lame excuse Percy?" Mr.Moore said. "Why should I lie? Its true," Percy said. "Why can't you be like Eloise? ALWAYS handing in her homework on time?" Mr.Moore smiled at me.

"Because I don't want to be weird," Percy laughed. "Ofcourse she finishes her homework on time, she has no friends to hang out with!" Ally yelled. Everyone else commented about me. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out of the class room and heard Mr.Moore shouting out my name, telling me to get back. 

I ran to the rooftop and sat there, looking at the sky. I lied down there until school ended and thought about what I was going to do. I waited for 2 hours after school ended to do it.

I stood at the very end of the top and looked down. "If I jump, I would die peacefully," I whispered to myself. It took me a few minutes to think about why this was something right to do, not wrong. I closed my eyes, took a deep breathe and jumped. I felt as light as a feather. 

Suddenly..someone grabbed my hand and I was hanging in the air.

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