34. I'm So Blue

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"There we are,
As cold as ice.."
I'm so blue by MJ


Crossing my arms, I look at him with a facetious countenance, even though I don't feel amused at all. “Everything about me in five minutes? I didn't know you thought​ so little of me.”

His jaw doesn't tick. His face doesn't even alter one bit, grim and sobersided. “I’m really not in the mood for your smart mouth. Start talking right fucking now. I don't want one detail to be left out.”

“You're really making it sound like you have the right to know everything about me. I hate to break it to you, but you really don't.”

I was ready for his face to be filled with more fury. Hell, I was even ready for him to lunge at me and carry out his threat. But for a smirk to form on his grim face, that wasn't something I was primed to brazen. It's almost like he doesn't accredit my lukewarm tone, as if he doesn't care about it. “You know I don't take no for an answer, Candy. Better start talking or I'll brand that ass of yours with my palm, and I'm not even joking.” He merely states, his eyes burning into mine.

I close the small gap between us, before I flatten one hand against his shirt-clad chest. “Careful, Dylan babe, or I may assume that you're being clingy.” I say, before I slope my head upwards, brushing my lips against his neck, hearing him groaning in response. “Or worse, that you're in love with me.”

His eyes darken upon the word love, his face erecting a row of hedges to protect his mien. He looks like he's about to push me off, but he doesn't, his hand adhering my body to his. “I'm not in love with you more than you are with me, Candy.”

It's time for me to rear my own shield, my whole body tensing up in his hold. Swallowing, I push away, and he lets me go, watching my expression with a sharp-witted, inquisitive visage. “You're not, then.” I state, my face devoid of any expression.

He squints, regarding me for long, as if trying to pry a certain thing out of my face, and when he gets it, his jaw clinches, apparently not liking the aftermath. “Give me one reason why I shouldn't know, Candice. After all the things we've done together.”

“By things, do you mean fucking?” I ask, crossing my arms.

His face instantaneously hardens, his eyes turning to lightless nightmares. “Is that all we've done, Candice? Fucking?”

I remain silent, not finding the answer for his question. And maybe I know the answer. Maybe I'm just scared of admitting it. “What are we, Dylan? You have your own secrets. Secrets that what we've done doesn't outclass. So tell me, what are we?”

He doesn't respond. He gave me a hard question, and I hit him with one that is even more challenging. That's the game we've signed for by getting close; challenge. He likes to push my buttons, and I like to drive him crazy. It's all about the challenge.

“Is we-” I start, cocking my head to the side. “A thing? Is that why you want to know who I am?”

He inhales, apparently not liking where this conversation is going. “You keep fucking pursuing my secrets, Candice. It's only fair if I do the same.”

I make a tsking sound, shaking my head. “No, Dylan. I stumble upon your secrets. And if I acted too snoopy sometimes by asking a lot of questions, that was because I have a curious nature. Besides, I know how casual fucking works. No strings attached, right? Oh I like that movie.”

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