Blank Walls

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It's been almost 4 years since the Katai took Ruby, and nothing has been the same since.

I've forgotten my original name, and I now call myself Sara. No matter how hard I try, I can no longer recall my real name, and the Lab name they've given me now labels myself even as I think.

I've kept my necklace and Ruby's bracelet safe, and it's all I have to remind myself of my distant past and the girl I called my friend. My life is empty, a routine of motions I complete every day:

Wake up. Dress. Eat. Mull around, sleep. Eat. Busy myself with useless activities. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

Some days are different. Days when a fire is lit inside of me, and I want to punish the Katai and all the employees of he Lab for what they did to Ruby, what they're doing to so many people. Sometimes it's not that I'm angry, I'm just bored and eager for exploration and adventure.

Today's one of those days.

I slip into a plain white dress and check outside the door if their are any Katai watchguards. Quietly, I remove Ruby's bracelet and pick the lock with the wires. After some time, it unlocks and I silently push it open. Turning my head, I see that no one is there, it's all dark. A clock states that it is 3:47 am, I should be asleep. Sliding Ruby's red bracelet on my wrist, I turn right towards a dark, empty corridor.

Walking through the dim alley, I check to make sure I have all the supplies needed for my upcoming adventure. I've managed to obtain an old handlight, hammer, screwdriver, a banged-up pair of binoculars, and a half-full pocket of SuperGlue Stickers. I had tried to acquire a pair of soft grip shoes, but without success as I'm now wearing my white flats. The handlight flickers, giving a few seconds of darkness to the hallway as I repeatedly hit the object, and the light resumes it's bright glow, though the handlight has seen better days.

If I succeed with my mission, I will know information that no captive has ever known and seen.

I plan to see what happens to the Experimented.

Maybe they didn't die...maybe they were caged again...maybe they were transformed into minions to help the Lab..... The possibilities are endless. I plan to find out.

Besides, it'll be my turn in 3 days.

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