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Light blinds me as I wake up in a dark room, a flashlight pointed at my face. I am gagged and my wrists and ankles are bound to a chair similar to one in a dentist office. "Ah. Looks like 6803 here woke up. All safe and sound. We'll examine her in the morning." I try to turn around, but the bindings are too strong for my little 5-year-old muscles. The voice is cold and it send shivers up my spine, but at the same time I felt like a hot liquid ran through me. "Bring her to the room," the voice continued, "With security of nine, cameras but nothing else." My eyes flash around and I try to catch a glimpse of my captors, but all I see is white clothing, which I am sure is why the bright LED flashlight is directed in my face, I can't see much.

I felt the chair's wheels moving and I am wheeled out of the chamber and brought into a pitch-black tight 'room', if you could call it that. The person who holds my chair pulls a dark, cold, wet, disgusting blindfold and ties it firmly around my face. I squeeze up my face and yell, screaming at all this crazy stuff that only happens in weird fantasy stories that I'm not a part of! But, surprisingly, nothing makes it past the gag and I am silently yelling and shouting, shouting all the bad words I know (which is only two, my mother is protective) and I would have pounded my fists and thrown a temper-tantrum if it weren't for the bindings on my wrists.

All this doesn't disturb this person-in-white pushing my oh-so-NOT-comfortable chair, the Katai (for some reason the word had popped into my head when I saw the person, and I heard that word muttered as I was rolled wherever I was being rolled) keeps rolling the wheels, taking me who knows where, as I'm blindfolded. We finally stop and the Katai takes of the sopping wet piece of cloth that covered my eyes. I am sickened by the sight because I realize now what they're doing.

I am in a white room, all clean and unused. There's a stiff bed, a small bathroom, a straight rigid chair, and a little empty shelf, for what reason I do not know. I see four security cameras, one in each corner, and I'm sure there are more concealed away from my eyes. I hate this room. I know what it will become. I know what I am to them.

I am trapped here as their captive.

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