The Mask (Fierce Deity x Fem!Reader)

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(Fierce Deity POV) 

It had been a few months since I was freed from that horrid mask and I was finally able to hold my own form without the help of Link. However, Link and I were still dear friends and we helped each other on many occasions. I sighed as I got up in the morning to the sound of Link knocking on the door and calling out for me. I scoffed at his immaturity as he knocked violently on my wood door. I sighed and opened the door making Link trip into my house, barely catching himself. 

"Link, why are you knocking on my door so violently? It's fairly childish..." I asked looking at the hero who dusted off his clothes. 

"Girls *pant* Party *pant* you *pant* girlfriend *gasp*" Link said, clearly out of breath from running around town to get to my house. 

"Slow down, Link. Catch your breath before explaining to me." I said as I shook my head in disapproval. 

"No *pant* time~" Link said before grabbing my arm and dragging me through town until we got to a larger sized house on the top of a hill. There was the sound of music coming from inside the house and a girl at the front door. Link and I walked up to the door and were handed glasses of water before we entered the house. There were civilians walking around, talking, eating, and laughing as Link dragged me through the house to a room with sweets covering the tables.

"Oh! Hey, Link! Did you bring a friend with you?" a feminine voice said from behind us. Link turned around and smiled. 

"Yeah! This is Fierce Deity! Deity, this is (Y/N)!" Link said as my eyes widened at the sight of the girl. She was beautiful with her (H/C) hair and beautiful (E/C) eyes. She had (S/C) skin and she was the perfect height. I blushed at the sight of her and quickly looked away. 

"N-Nice to meet you...." I said, cursing myself for stuttering. (Y/N) giggled and smiled beautifully. 

"Nice to meet you too, Fierce Deity! Help yourself to any food that looks good!" (Y/N) said with giggle. I nodded and picked up a cookie, taking a bite out of it. It tasted extremely good and the frosting was fresh. 

"These are really good. Where did you get them?" I asked before taking another bite of cookie. (Y/N) blushed and looked away. 

"I-I made them..." she stuttered adorably. I nodded and chuckled. 

"They're amazing." I said before taking another one and taking a huge bite out of it. 

"T-Thank you!" (Y/N) replied. I noticed that Link had left my side and was talking with some people on the other side of the room before (Y/N) tapped my shoulder. 

"Deity? Would you like to learn how to make the cookies?" (Y/N) said shyly as an older women stood next to her. "My grand-mother wanted to know if you'd like a batch to take home with you..." (Y/N) continued with a blush across her cheeks. 

"I-If it's not to much trouble..." I said, scratching the back of my neck nervously. (Y/N)'s grand-mother nodded and (Y/N) showed me to the kitchen. She got out all the ingredients and smiled at me. (Y/N) was so beautiful that I found myself staring again. 

"D-Deity? Are you alright?" (Y/N) asked as she felt my forehead. I blushed and coughed awkwardly before replying. 

"Y-Yeah!" I said as I tried to lean on the counter. The counter had wheels however and it slipped out from under me, making me fall to the floor. (Y/N) gasped and rushed over to me before helping me up. 

"Deity! Are you okay?!" she said with a concerned tone. I blushed and nodded. I couldn't believe I had embarrassed myself like that in front of (Y/N)! I chuckled at my clumsiness and (Y/N) sighed in relief. 

"You really scared me there! I thought you may have hit your head! Are you sure you're alright?" (Y/N) asked as she helped me up. Suddenly, and idea came into my mind...

(Y/N POV) 

I helped Deity up and helped him stand upright since the floor was now slippery with flour and egg yolk. 

"Be a bit more careful! I really don't want you to get hurt..." I said as I poked Deity's chest. He was obviously wearing armor since the part I poked felt like chain mail. He suddenly looked a lot more hot and rough then before. He didn't look like the clumsy, cheesy, and sweet guy I just met but he looked more like he was looking me up and down. 

"You talk to much, (Y/N)" Deity said before he pulled me closer and placed his lips on mine. At first, I was shocked but I soon embraced him back and we both let our lips fall into sync. I was blushing madly as we kissed until we pulled apart. I was panting slightly from lack of oxygen and Deity was now blushing like crazy.

"Ah! S-Sorry!!! I don't k-know what came over me!" Deity said as he backed up. 

"It's okay! I kinda liked it..." I replied just as my grand-mother walked in. I widened my eyes in shock when I realized the mess Deity had made when he fell. We were both covered in flour and there were egg yolks ever where. 

"Kids...." my grand-mother said before she walked away, sighing.  

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