Chapter Ten

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Author's Note: Warning: Kya x Pietro moments in this chapter.

What would be a good ship name for them? 🤔

Also there's a surprise for you guys at the end 😊.


The moment Kya and Steve landed on the rooftop of Helen Cho's facility, the pair ran inside to see destroyed halls and massacred staff. And based on the missing cradle, they had just missed Ultron and the Maximoff twins.

Spotting a barely alive Helen, the waterbender ran over and quickly set to work on healing the wounds with the water from her waterskin while Steve crouched next to the pair.

"What happened?"

Dr. Cho took a deep breath and tried to sit up. "He's uploading himself into the body!

Kya placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Easy."


Helen winced as Kya continued to heal her. "The real power is inside The Cradle. The gem... its power is uncontainable! You can't just blow it up, you have to get the Cradle to Stark!"

The silver haired woman turned to look at the man out of time. "We have to find it first."

With her wounds being healed, Dr. Cho sat up slowly. "Go, I'll be fine."

The two Avengers quickly stood up and went back to the roof, Kya pressing a finger to her comm. "Did you get that?"

Clint responded from the Quin-Jet. "We did."

Nat's voice followed. "I got a private jet taking off across town, no manifest. That could be him."

"There! It's a truck from the lab. Right above you guys, on the loop by the bridge, it's them. You got three with the Cradle, one in the cab. I could take out the driver."

Steve voice was sharp as he and Kya climbed up to the freeway. "Negative. If the truck crashes, the gem could level the city."

Kya's eyebrows furrowed. "We need to draw out Ultron."

The two shared a look before taking a few steps backwards from the edge. In complete sync, they both jumped over the railing and landed on top of the truck with the thud. The man out of time rolled and clung to the side of the trucks back door, and without warning, a blast of energy forced the doors open, and he clung to it desperately as it fell, dragging behind the truck.

"Well, he's definitely unhappy. I'll try and keep it that way."

Kya rushed to the back of the truck and used a water-whip to wrap around the super soldier's waist, quickly pulled him back to her direction.

"You're no match for him Cap, even with Tsunami with you."

Steve sighed. "Thanks Barton."

Ultron came out of the truck and sent a blast in the super soldier's direction, sending him flying back into a car. Kya created an ice bow and arrow before firing. The homicidal AI quickly whipped around before catching the arrow and crushing it. Without warning, he flew up to the top of the truck and wrapped a hand around her throat.

"Are you sure you don't want to tell me where your powers come from?"

The waterbender gasped for air. "That's... still... a... no..."

Steve used a passing garbage truck to flip back on top. Ultron spared him a glance before throwing Kya in his direction.

"You know what's in that Cradle?"

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