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My name is Amanda. Amanda Adams.

The things I’m about to tell you, you’re not going to believe. If you don’t think vampires, witches, werewolves and demons are real, then leave. Don't even think about reading this. Because I am, some of those things. 

I blame my mother. She’s the reason why I’m a vampire, and she’s why I can read minds and make things happen. The title, “Crossed” is the whole point of the story. I’m not like any other vampire. I have “different” powers. Powers from being a witch.

        Okay, so this is how the story goes.

On my mothers side of the family, they are all vampires. My mother is different though, and so is her mother. They hid their powers from everyone because they too, had different powers. They didn’t feed to much because they found it was inhuman the way most vampires attracted out of surprise and gave them pain while they feed, but, no vampire can live without blood. Well, that is until I was born. I don’t need blood. Although, I do enjoy the smell and delicious aroma that comes from it. I never tried it. When I was a baby my mother never gave me any off it because she wanted to see how long I would last without need of it. I never needed it. She was scared because she thought I would die, but then my parents realized what was so different about me.

My farther is another story. His descendants were witches. Down in the generations, their powers were lost. Forgotten. My farther has no powers, but I do.

What happened was that the witch blood, the vampire blood made me “different”. I didn’t know about my parents and what they are until I was 7. I realized some of my “different-ness” when I was 10. Like me not needing blood. Or the fact that I can make a rhyming chant, believe hard enough, and it’ll come true. But don’t believe it’s all so great. You have to use correct words, or else, you could be inside big trouble.

Now, I’m 16 years old. I have a lot of great powers and a book full of chants and spells, I have a brother who is only 12 years old, going on 13 this coming school year. Were not sure about him and his powers because a lot of powers are only found in girls. But we do know that he is part vampire. When he was a baby he needed it. That’s how I know I crave it. However tonight, we are going to break it to him.

He doesn’t really know that he is part vampire. We have been giving him doses of blood inside his food whenever he's upset. At school, whenever I got a sniff of blood I would have to tell the teacher something like “I have to use the washroom” or start fake coughing then ask if I could get a drink just to run down the halls and sniff out where the blood is coming from. Once I do, I have to go and make sure that my brother isn’t able to smell it. Since I’ve been inside high school, my farther has been at the school. Now he knows why I have been complaining all those years.

It’s the last week of school before summer vacation. The time to get your friends numbers and e-mails and try to say in contact. Normally, I’d be in town trying to hang out with my best friend Isabelle Landing, my boyfriend Jacob Lee and Isabelle’s boyfriend Jordan Hart, but Noooo!

I have to be with my family to try to explain to my brother about us and about him.

I just hope that I get something good out of it!


CrossedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon