Chapter 1: Introduction & Excuses To Hide a Lie

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Peyton - Main character, Nicki Minaj fan, Loves art and is very shy. age 14

Aria - Peyton's friend, a little dumb and rude, age 14

Alison - Peyton's friend, with a dark secret, age 14

Emma-Lee - Peyton's friend, age 14

Brihanna - Peyton's friend, age 14

Serena - Peyton' friend, age 14

Mum - Peyton's mum, age 31

Jordan - Peyton's brother, age 6

Randall - Peyton's brother, age 9

Tatianna - Peyton's sister, age 2


Okay, lets just start this by saying, my lifes a mess. my mum is single and rasing 4 kids on her own, well with my help since i'm the oldest child in the family. because i'm always looking after my younger siblings, i am failing school. last week i got my report card, i still havent shown my mum since every subject accept for art was a D-. The only thing that makes me happy in my life is art. well that and my idol nicki minaj. Me and my friends Serena, Aria, Emma-Lee and Brianna all love her. We have been friends since the first grade yet none of them know that i am poor. I have never invited them to my house in the 7 years we've known eachother. Mum wants me to invite them over, But I'm just not sure i'm quite ready to tell everyone my dark secret.....What if they tell someone??

"Peyton, did you hear about the news?" Sarena asked me. "What news?" I asked trying to sound exited. "You seriously havent heard?" Emma-Lee asked. "Maybe, just tell me the news!!!" I yelled. Brianna walked over with her laptop and showed me an article on her screen: NICKI'S TOUR!!!! I didn't say anything, i just looked at the screen in shock. for once something good is happening in my life. "Peyton, Peyton, PEYTON!!!! Maybe shes dead??" Aria asked. "No shes just in shock, i was when i heard the news." Brianna added. I finally woke up from imagination and relised that i would never be able to go. "Whats wrong hun, Are you okay?" Aria asked. my mind was racing for an excuse to say, "Uh..Uh.. My Mum would never let me go, she is really strict." "My mum already said that i could have it as a 14 and a 1/2 birthday present, wait maybe its my 12 birthday or 15th?" Aria said. BITCH that girl is as dumb as a post. SORRY i dont mean to be rude or anything its just i get very jealous about all the experiences all my friends have. They have all been over seas while i havent been in all my 14 years been out of Chicago! Well, I hope Serena brings me back a T-Shirt or something from the concert for me.

When i got home mum was cooking over a hot stove while Jordan, Tatianna and Randall were playing in their bedroom. "Hey mum." I said "Hey honey, do you have any homework?" Mum asked. "Um.. No mum i finished all my work in class." I lied. The whole day i had spent under the stage listening to nicki minaj. At one point i was enjoying myself so much that i started singing out load. Where did i get the ipod you may ask? Well, I stole it from Alison Goldberg's locker. I know its the wrong to do, but ever since my parents split up, i've grown into the habbit of taking things with out permission. dont get me wrong, i'm not a theif, i put the ipod back. Alison never noticed. "Well, good for you honey, could you help me with dinner, i need to change Tatianna?" Mum asked. "Sure." I said, even though i really wanted to go to my room and draw. The soup smelled awful, like some sort of road killed animal had been boiled up and then strained. I looked to my mum who was looking for something to replace a nappy as we didn't have enough money to buy them. If i was a rich girl, everything would be perfect. i thought as i dosed off into a deap sleep.

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