I still have feelings for you

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Jacks P.O.V

Finn and I had just got to America. We were here to meet all the O2l guys and the magcon boys.

First stop Nash's house. On the ride there Finn asked me a question I really didn't want to answer at the moment.

"So any more girls in your life" he looked at me with a little smile.

I looked down and answered "no"

How could he not know that there was only one girl I wanted. But I messed up and she will never want me again.

Why? Why did I let her go? Why was I so stupid? Why didn't I tell her how I really felt?


Knock. Knock.

"I'll be back in a second babe" I told the girl I had been going out with for six months.

I answered the door and there was Molly the girl I had been using to cheat on my girlfriend. Why was she here?

"Who is it babe?" Came a voice from the living room.

The love of my life walked into the hall.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"This is-"

"Molly jacks girlfriend" dang it she beat me to it.

"I'm jacks girlfriend" they both looked at me.

Molly had a smug little smile on her face. She knew about my girlfriend and she was jealous. But the other look was of pure hurt and upset.

"Jack how could you do this to me? Don't ever talk to me again"

I just lost the girl I loved and I was hurt.

"Fine see if I care" I shouted at her.

She ran out of my house tears streaming down her face. What had I done.

~end of flashback~

As I remembered that day a tear fell from my eye.

"Jack it was four months ago. You have to move on" Finn knew I was thinking about her. I always thought about her.

How can I move on though? She hasn't spoken to me since. She even moved away. I moved back to England and I never saw or heard from her again. She changed her number and blocked me from all her social media sites. She never forgave me and I can't blame her.

As we pulled up to the griers house I saw nash, hayes, carter, Taylor, Matt, Aaron, Jack and Jack all in the window. I wonder where cameron was.

Finn and I both hopped out of the rental car and walked to the front door. Finn knocked on it and jack G answered.

"Oh hey guys, cam and the girl who's staying with us are out but they should be back any minute now"

He lead us into the living room and introduced us to all the guys. Then we put on a movie and just joked around making vines.

About 20 minutes later the door opened. Cam came into the room and we heard someone running up the stairs. Skylynn left to go upstairs and Cam talked to Nash in the kitchen about what happened on his "date" I'm guessing.

Another 10 minutes passed when we heard someone walking down the stairs. I looked up from the tv just in time to see the person I love and miss most in the world.

Beckys P.O.V

Jack and Finn! No no no no noooooo

This can't be happening. I can't talk to him again. I'll never forgive him for what he did to me and I don't expect him to care.

"Becky I-" he tried to talk to me.

"Please Jack don't talk to me I've had enough of your stupidness to last me a lifetime. I don't want to hear it! ok?" I ran out of the room crying. What can I say? I'm an emotional person.

I heard someone walk up the stairs and knock on my door. This time I wasn't going to hide away. I couldn't let something happen like last time.

"Come 'sniffle' in" I told them.

In walked the most perfect person I've ever met. The love of my life. The person I can never stop loving no matter what. The person who caused me so much pain.


" Becky you need to listen to me because I love you and when you left I was so hurt. I have never met someone like you in my entire life. You are everything to me. The only reason I never ran after you is because I was afraid"

His speech hurt me so much because I knew he meant it and I felt the same way. But what he did wasn't right.

"Jack I love you so much and I still have feelings for you. But what you did tore me up from the inside. You cheated on me with some blonde bimbo who just wanted you for your looks. I wanted you for who you are. Or who you were. An amazing, kind, funny, thoughtful boy who I loved with all my heart. I loved you and I still do but I'm not ready to forgive you yet."

A tear slid down my cheek. He ran to me and held me in his arms.

"Becky you have to realise that I never meant to hurt you and I nearly killed myself because you wouldn't talk to me. I love you so much and I just want to make you happy again. I'm so sorry for what I did. Please forgive me. I'm begging you. I love you. I will never love another girl the way I love you Becky. But if your not ready I understand. I just want you to know I'm here for you when you are"

I looked at him. He was so beautiful. He looked down at me and smiled. I knew there that I was ready to forgive him.

"I forgive you jack" he smiled and looked me, he leaned down and kissed me. It was the best feeling.

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