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"Oh my gosh! What is that wonderful smell???" Hero cried out walking towards the kitchen.

Dante pushed her away as she came to the doorway wagging his finger. "They said NO ENTRY until after they were done cooking Hero!"

"But but but...." she complained.

But Dante shook his head and blocked the whole doorway with his massive frame. 

"Oh and don't even try to your mind control stuff!" he added closing his eyes tightly.

"Ughhh....." she grunted and flopped onto the nearest couch. 

Angelo leaned back on the adjacent recliner. 

"Just wait Hero. The food isn't going to run away." he said.

Dante joked, "Well, with their cooking you never can tell! Haha!"

Suddenly a wooden spoon came flying through the doorway and hit Dante on the back of his head. He grimaced and held his head.

"It'll be a cast-iron pan next time!" cried Valerie from the kitchen.

"I was just kidding..." Dante replied still holding his head and grinning.

Then there was the sound of rummaging coming from the kitchen and a few moments later, a Ziploc bag full of ice hit him in the back and dropped to the floor.

"OW! Oh.. thanks", He said as he picked up the ice pack and put it on the back of his head.

Angelo and Hero burst into laughter.

"Poor Dante" Hero said snickering. 

"One day your jokes will go too far" Angelo added smiling.

Dante laughed along with them not saying anything as he nursed the back of his head with the bag of ice.

After Matt was killed, everything turned back to normal, or at least as normal as they could manage to get. They all rested for a few days in Atlanta then returned back to Virginia Beach. Of course, the theatre was trashed beyond repair from the first attack of Matt's demons so they decided to find a new home. 

That's when they saw a large white house that sat near the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. After a few months of renovations and hunting for materials, the house was restored to being inhabitable again. It definitely wasn't a castle but it was the best place they had seen in a long time. It wasn't a tall house but it was wide, with five bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, and a huge kitchen. The living room was big as well with several large couches and lounge chairs that sat in front of a fireplace.

They all made themselves at home there for a week before they came up with the idea to find others who were stranded across the world and bring them to the camp. Right now, the camp has over three hundred people total living in the area as close-knit as possible. They people wanted to elect one of them as a leader but they declined thinking that if anyone with super-natural abilities gained power over people it would never end well. The people wouldn't trust them if they even knew of their abilities. So, they all decided to elect several judges over the town so that if anyone broke the law they would stand before all the judges and they would come together with a verdict. They all agreed with that method and it worked efficiently among them.

While the people grew and expanded the town, they all went out finding people taking in any refugees they found stranded or that made there way there and making sure no one saw them use their powers. 

They traveled for five years searching and finding people and bringing them back to New Virginia Beach where a small town had begun to grow. Travel was made easy with a dragon to ride but there were still a lot of rogue monsters roaming around on the ground and even a few in the skies.

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