Chapter Fifteen- Finale: Part One

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The sun rose somewhere behind the dense fog the next morning. They all got up at the same time thinking they were surprised they were even able to get rest knowing that Mattew would be coming today.

Zeke went out and found a rabbit that they later cooked for breakfast. Theye ate in silence until Hero broke the silence.

"We could run away..." she said.

Mil and Zeke looked at her curiously.

"I mean, we could just get away from him and not have to deal with all of this.." she continued.

"It sounds like a great idea" Mil started. "but, we can only run for so long..."

"Yea i know..." Hero responded laying down on the ground and staring up into the foggy sky. "I'm just tired of him you know? Tired of dealing with him."

We all were and we all knew it. What else could we do? Run? Sure seemed like a good idea at the moment.

"Maybe we can kill the freak." Mil said coldly. "Zeke and I might be strong enough to get rid of him and end this freak show.."

Zeke smiled for  second but his expression turned serious. They were pretty strong now. A lot stronger than they were before. They could take him maybe. Frankly, however, he was at his limit with Matt's antics. Their friends and family in danger or dead. Max, Dante, Angelo, Viktor, Kamilla, James, and Valerie. They were some the only people he had ever known in his whole life. They were all gone now except Milena and Hero as far as he knew for sure. What if they were dead? What is Matt doing to them right now? The thoughts of all the possibilities began overwhelming him as he sat there. He could still hear the sounds of Milena and Hero talking but he couldn't hear what they were saying. He felt a small flame burning inside of him that grew quickly and filled him until he felt couldn't restrain it anymore.

"I just don't know what else we..." Hero continued saying but stopped when she saw Zeke's fists balled up as he strained to keep himself contained.

"...Zeke?" she asked curiously

He tried with all my might to calm the fire growing inside but it seemed to rage out of control.

They both looked at him in shock as he tried to contain himself. They flame inside began to feel like a living being fighting like a wild animal trying to escape raging and roaring for control over his body. He could feel his armor beginning to crystallize and uncrystallize as he tried to fight back.

"Zeke? whats going on??" Mil asked afraid backing away slightly.

"I..........can't................ calm .....down....." He managed to say between breaths and grunts as he struggled to extinguish the living flame inside.

Mil slid next to him and grabbed his arm merging with him almost instantly. He felt their strength combine and the flame began to waver as it was pulled back into his self.

"What the heck was that??" Mil asked him her voice anxious and freaked out.

He paused for a moment half catching his breath and trying to think clearly. "I don't know" I said. "I just lost control. I just couldn't stop it..."

"Were you turning into one of those things???" She asked frantically obviously worried. "I mean are you one of them? Is that why your crystals are black like them?"

He never thought of that. Hero's and her's were white as snow but his was black like the night sky. Black just like all those monsters they had slain. If he was one of them, then is this how they become like they are? Do they lose control? That's what Matt said happened to Max. All these thoughts burdened his mind beyond his own capacity to handle.

He froze at the thought of becoming one of them. "Is there even a way to turn back? What if I lost control and became one of those things permanently?" he thought to himslelf.

Mil heard all of hid thoughts though. "Don't worry Zeke. If I see you losing it we can merge and you'll be fine again okay? Don't worry..."

Fear gripped his soul at the thought of turning into one of those monsters forever. How strong would he be? Mil and Hero would have to kill him. Or what if he was too strong and killed them???

"Mil..... please don't let me become one of those...." he managed to say his voice shivering as he stared blankly at the ground.

"I won't." she said. She seemed more empathetic than she's ever been before. It comforted him a lot. He could feel her care caressing him even though we were merged. She knew exactly how he felt at that moment and she was the only person that could.

He could feel her hug him again and then they unmerged.

Hero just stared at the both of them wondering what just happened.

"Okay.... Are you okay?? What just happened??" she asked frantically.

"I almost turned into one of them....." He responded quietly his voice quivering slightly as he spoke.

Mil stayed quiet and didn't say anything.

Hero looked between them both and decided that it would be better not to ask anymore.

"I'm one of them....." He started.

"No you're not. Don't say that." Mil said at him angrily. "You're not and you won't be. As long as we can merge you should be fine."

He believed her. Even if it was a lie it felt like believing it was a lie was better than knowing what his fate might be.

"Okay. thank you..." he started relaxing a little bit as the flame inside finally disappeared completely.

Mil nodded at him and hugged him tightly.  

Then there was a large explosion from the direction of the Atlanta Abyss. They all looked at each other and thought the same thing. 

"It's probably Matt. It's time to end this..." Mil said firmly.

They all nodded at each other and got up walking towards the abyss together. Ready to face Matt hopefully for the last time...


Okay! Yea yea... I switched to third person. At this point I kind of wish I would have done third person the whole time but, oh well. Hope it doesn't ruin it for you all... >.< Anyways! The ending will more than likely be three chapters. So, two more are coming after this and expect them to be a few pages each. I'm excited about the ending. Hope you all like it!!!!


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