Chapter Fifteen- Finale: Part Two

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When they reached the abyss there was a large cloud of dust rising from the hole and grumblings coming from its depths. Matt hovered in the air above it.

"Good morning my children!!!!!" he screamed from afar. He appeared to be holding a small black orb in his hand and he was dangling it above the giant pit.

"Are you ready???" he screamed again laughing hysterically. Then, he dropped the orb into the hole. It dropped like it was made of solid lead and it grew larger the farther it fell down. Before it had gone out of sight, It had gone from the size of a softball to about the size of a small car. 

After the orb dropped out of view Matt flew up higher and sat in the sky peering down into the abyss. Another explosion occurred and the ground began to tremble and shake. The orb flew back out of the hole, returning back into the size of a baseball as Matt caught it and tucked it safely into his labcoat. He laughed madly as the ground started shaking more violently. Several large chunks of land around the hole lifted up and tumbled down.

Ezekiel, Milena, and Hero quickly began to run and dodge large pieces of land that lifted up as best as they could on the shaky ground. Gradually the quake stopped but Matt continued smiling from his perch in the sky.

Suddenly there came a huge roar from the deep hole and a huge black crystal hand reached up from the blackness gripping the edge of the hole and leaving huge craters where each of its fingers burrowed into the ground.

Matt was cackling loudly from his perch. "My greatest creation! Such majesty!" he exclaimed clapping his hands happily.

"What the heck is that...." Hero whispered. Just its hand was bigger than than any they had ever seen before. 

Then, faster than they could imagine, it leaped from the darkness revealing itself in its entirety. Its cat like legs were massive and adorned with large chunks of crystals protruding out of them. Atop that sat a gigantic torso that extended to two colossal arms built much like a silver back gorilla and its mammoth hands hung on the ends of them.

"You won't believe how I made this one!" he giggled psychotically. "Viktor and Kamilla! Kill your brothers and sisters please!!!"

"Did he just say...? That's...?" Mil mumbled in shock. "Both of them in one?"

Before anyone could say anything else the beast charged at them and jumped insanely high into the air dropping down towards them. Hero and Mil dodged quickly but Zeke was stood frozen in shock and the beast landed directly on top of him.

"Zeke!!!" Hero and Mil cried out horrified.

" I can't hear his thoughts..." Hero said focusing on the huge cloud of dust the beast caused.

"Shoot shoot shoot!!" Mil grumbled as she continued retreating away form the beast as fast as she could. 

"Only one hit? For the first of my children? that's no fun..." Matt pouted. "I guess I made it too strong! Hehehe!"

The beast turned and looked at the the two and charged forward throwing cars and whatever debris it  pick up at us as he came. 

They both ran off in different directions forcing it to have to choose between the two of them. It chose Mil as she pulled out her great sword and continued running. The new Viktor and Kamilla were too fast though and it caught up quickly swiping at her with one of its massive hands but Mil dodged jumping into the air and sliced across its forearm with all her might. 

The sword struck the solid crystallized skin of the beast barely scratching it. 

"Dang it. Hero. I can't even hurt this thing..." she said mentally to her as she began to run away and get distance between her and it again.

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