Chapter 3: All In A Days Work

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"Okay... just pay attention to me and watch what I do... you'll get the hang of it in no time" Said King Dice as he looked down at Cherry.

She nodded and smiled at King Dice. They both done some last minute cleaning of the drinking and gambling tables. King Dice kept on looking over at Cherry and smiling. Cherry had caught him a couple of times... but she thought it was just him being sweet.

"Cherry?" Said King Dice as he stood behind the bar.

"Yes Dice" Replied Cherry as she walked over to the bar.

"Come round here and I'll show you how this works" Said King Dice as he beckoned Cherry round to behind the bar.

After a while of King Dice showing Cherry the ropes on the bar. He let her try a few ways of pouring and serving the drinks. King Dice was impressed seeing as she's never done this work before. Then he took her around all the different gambling tables and showed her how each one of them was to be played. It was about 10 minutes before the Casino opened. Cherry was standing next to King Dice at one of the gambling tables.

"Cherry" Said King Dice as he placed a hand on Cherry's shoulder.

"Yes" Cherry Replied as she turned to look up at him.

King Dice sighed and turned away, he couldn't tell Cherry what was going through his mind. He started walking way until Cherry grabbed his hand.

"Dice... what's wrong?" Said Cherry as she walked round him to stand in front of him.

"It's nothing Cherry... really don't worry about me" Replied King Dice as he slightly pushed Cherry aside and walked off.

Cherry watched King Dice walk off and into the Devil private Casino. She continued to do some last minute preparations around the Casino. Suddenly King Dice walked back out, he looked like he had been crying.

"Cherry... I need you for a moment" Said the Devil as he opens the door to the private Casino and stuck his head out.

Cherry looked towards King Dice then started walking towards the door. Slowly she opened the door and walked towards the Devil's office. Gently she knocked on the door.

"Come on in Cherry" Said the Devil from within his dingy office.

Slowly Cherry opened the door and walked in. The door slammed behind her again, this time she only shuddered.

"I forgot to give this to you last night" Said the Devil as he grabbed another package from his desk.

He threw the package at Cherry, which sent her flying backwards. She hit the wall with quite a lot of force this time. Cherry started rubbing her head slightly.

"Tha... thank you Mr Devil" said Cherry as she stood walked out of his office.

Cherry opened the package, and saw a pair of long sleeved gloves and a pair of black high heels with a ribbon, which wrapped around her legs like the ballerina shoes. Quickly she put the gloves and shoes on and walked back out into the Casino. Cherry glanced at the bar to see King Dice having a drink. Slowly she walked over to the bar and sat down on the bar stool in front of King Dice. Cherry gently placed a hand on top of King Dice's, trying to give him a bit of comfort. King Dice looked up at Cherry and into her eyes.

"Dice... are you alright?" Said Cherry as she placed her other hand on top of his again.

He didn't give her an answer, King Dice placed a hand on the side of Cherry's face. King Dice started walking round from behind the bar and stood in front of Cherry. He placed a hand on the side of her face. Suddenly he leaned in a began to kiss Cherry, her eyes went wide with shock. Cherry felt a sensation course through her body, then she wrapped her arms around King Dice's neck. King Dice wrapped his hands around Cherry's waist, gently he picked her up and stood her up. Hesitantly King Dice began to push his tounge through into Cherry's mouth. Then Cherry followed along with him. King Dice started to run his hands up and down her back. The Devil walked out of his private Casino, he raised an eyebrow when he saw Cherry and King Dice making out.

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