Chapter 12

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We approached the edge of my barrier finally after painstaking creeping along and constantly checking behind us. Caden told me to pull it down as gently as I could, which I tried to do.

It was then I noticed another barrier subtly on top of ours. I tested my strength against it but Caden quickly stopped me so as not to attract Ben or my Dads interest.

I wasn’t disappointed for long, as Caden told me it was time to throw some fireballs. He gave me a brief description of how to make one even though he had only ever heard about it. I concentrated thinking fire, heat, flame and forced the thoughts to join into a ball. It was brilliant fun; I held a ball of flame in my bare hand without any pain and then hurled it into the air.

“That was awesome!” I said with glee as I watched fire run up the rim of Ben’s barrier and then it broke away and shattered

“Okay lets ride.” Caden called to me

I dug my heels into Lissa’s sides and her response was lightning fast and before I knew it we were flying along at break neck speed. All I could think was do horses really go this fast?

A few hours of hard riding later we finally started to slow down as we approached a small but well-fortified castle. We rode into the expansive courtyard and strangers rushed out to greet us.

I felt like my while body had gone completely numb as I finally clambered down off Lissa’s back. She pranced around like she wanted to keep going. I petted her neck and told her firmly that I had enough riding for one day.

A small lanky young man came over and gently pulled her reins from my fingers and led her away. I stood trembling as feeling began returning, then before I knew it I was collapsing as my body refused to support itself. Thankfully Caden caught me before I hit the ground.

“That was graceful.” I heard Dalia say as if from a distance.

“She hasn’t ridden for a long while, give her a chance.” Caden answered back.

“Oh dear Goddess, Prince Caden you’ve finally returned to me!” I heard a high pitched squealing voice say.

That snapped me right out of my daze. I looked up to see an incredibly beautiful girl. Her blonde curls lay smoothly against her striking face; her vibrant blue eyes were dazzling and staring endearingly at Caden. She was wearing a luxurious red velvet dress that showed all her assets to their full advantage. I suddenly felt very insignificant and grubby.

I forced myself to stand trying to keep as much dignity intact as I could. There was no way some hussy was going to talk to Caden like that, especially if she made me feel like crap. I forced myself not to scowl at her.

“Are you all right?” Caden asked concerned as he supported me upright.

“I’ll be fine.” I said through gritted teeth as I turned to face the entourage that were standing on the grand front stairs.

“Hello Dalia,” I said politely and she smiled genuinely at me “I heard that comment you know.” Her smile deepened, then I noticed the hussy fawning all over Caden and I let the full force of my stare at her, not that it seemed to affect her.

“Would you like to introduce me?” I managed to say with forced politeness.

“Charlie this is Candice and Candice this is Charlie.” Dalia gestured between us. Candice looked down her nose at me but I stuck my hand out to shake to which she looked at me weird.

“What girl takes a boy’s name?” She said in her whiny voice as her blue eyes turned icy.

“What girl is named after a lolly?” I snapped back taking an instant dislike to her. Both Caden and Dalia laughed like crazy. Round 1 too me!

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