Sejin? Hell no. - OT7

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Bangtan Play Fuck/Kill/Marry.
And Jin marries all 6 of them.
How did it come to this?


"Kill Everyone" Yoongi said, flatly.

"Hyung..." Jimin groaned in annoyance while both the remaining rappers sent him disappointed glares. "That's not an answer-" "What do you mean 'thats not an answer' " Yoongi mocked his voice, "You gave me three questions and I chose to kill you all" He defended himself.

"But like- Hyung! You still have two more questions..." Jimin held up two fingers, as if Yoongi had forgotten how to count.

So thoughtful.

  "And? If I kill you all, then it eliminates those two questions" Yoongi retorted, "Thats not how- Hyung You have to choose! It's the whole point of the game!" Jimin stated, a little furiously.

"You want me to fuck someone? and Marry someone else?" "Yes!" Jimin almost celebrated,
Keyword: almost.

Until the question replayed in his head, and he heard it a second time, properly.

"Wait No! Oh God! That's not-" maybe that's why Jin tells him not to agree to things so fast.
"Who's next?!" Jimin almost shouts, averting his eyes from the mischievous smirk formed on the rappers face.

"Who hasn't had ago." Taehyung questioned.

That sentence is for Jin to get his ass out of there.

I mean, he loves his family, he really does, but he hates games like these. One's where they don't make sense at all! Its all part of some scheme to get the other person to do something stupid or sexual!
Games like Spin the bottle, truth or dare.
Or heres a really stupid one that had Jin almost grounding Jimin's ass for mentioning a cuss word in the dorm. But the game that they were currently playing was called.

Fuck, Kill, Marry.

Sometimes Jin wonders if the 21st generation will ever survive another century.

(we're not.)

But he can't complain knowing most of his fans were born during the 21st century.

"Hey Hyung, have you had a go yet?" Jeongguk nudged Jin, throwing him off a little on what he was going to do. "What?" Was all Jin mumbled, Jeongguk only shook his head a little "The game, did you have a turn?" He reminded.

Now he remembers why he wanted to leave.

"I don't believe Jin-Hyung has" Hoseok chirped in,

"So Hyung, Who would You Marry and kill?" Jimin asked with the most sincere smile.

"What about fuck?" Namjoon asked totally unaware of the shocked expression plastering on young ones face. "Hyung!" Jimin slapped his leaders shoulder, "There's a reason I didn't say that!" "What, Fuck?" Yoongi repeated, Taehyung was honestly laughing along with Hoseok and Jeongguk seemed to catch onto the dangerous vibe releasing from the eldest, so he kept quiet and tried to refrain from laughing with the other two only with holding a smirk.

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