Misunderstanding ~ OT7 + Yoonjin

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Jin was gone.
Well, that's what they all initially thought.

1201 words.

| Where Are Ü Now, That (We) Need you? |

Taehyung won't ever ignore.
The complete desolation and misery everyone withheld.

"Wow... Yoongi-hyung seemed so nonchalant... I'm not used to seeing him like this..." Jungkook murmured as he held a sad expression.

For the first time Jungkook did not know what to do with his hands, as if they suddenly felt heavy and too big, he just put them behind his back.

Taehyung had never seen Yoongi cry for what seemed like hours.
Now here the most sarcastic yet wise man, was sitting, hunched over and pouring his tears out.

Hoseok was comforting him by rubbing his palm circular on Yoongi's back, but he himself was crying.
Namjoon seemed more stabled, but you could tell by his face that he did not want to be disturbed at all.

Then, stood the maknae line, Jimin was on the verge of tears, Taehyung withheld his everyday blank face yet his 'aura' distinctively felt like
"Don't -fucking- Mess With Me Right Now."
And Jungkook?

Didn't know what to even -fucking- think/do.

"Hyung couldn't have left!" Jimin suddenly stated strongly. But his posture held uncertainness and sadness.

His voice seemed to have pissed off Yoongi even more, because he stood up abruptly and the atmosphere grew more heated with hatred.

"Just fucking Accept it Already! Jimin! Jin wouldn't want to stay with damn-" He wiped his tears and took a moment to breathe. "He wouldn't want to stay with fucking pricks... Like us."

"We're not pricks hyung! T-There has to be a logical-" "Logical?" Yoongi had cut him off, letting out a scoff, tears trickling down from time to time.
"I'll give you a Logical reason for why he left." Yoongi said, one by one he crumbled each member to what felt like their deepest regrets.

"You" He started with Namjoon, their fearless and strong leader.
"Jin needed someone to rely on."

It's true, Jin needed someone to rely on.
A shoulder to cry on.
Someone who would listen to him regardless of their schedule.

"And you shut him down without even considering to listen to him, like he meant nothing, you made him feel like nothing."

His next victim went by age.

"You" He pointed to Hoseok.
"Even though he fell multiple times, during your choreography, it didn't mean you had to put him down more to point where you told him it'd be best to sit on the floor and watch."

He sniffled in a few more tears, "You." He pointed to Jimin.
"Looks can be deceiving, it doesn't matter how much of narcissist he had acted, Maybe you should of thought that it was the only thing he had. Just Visuals. He is-was the visual of Bangtan."

He paused before speaking again.
"Remember when you went on some weak-ass diet? because of a some simple ass comment saying you lost your abs? How many fucking comments do you think Jin had got?!" He shouted.

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