Chapter 1

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Tour was hell. The constant traveling, barely getting any sleep, and working themselves to near exhaustion everyday was beginning to leave its impression on Louis. The only thing making the tour bearable was the fact that Louis knew his kitten, his sweet, loveable, but matured kitten would be waiting for him on the bus with open arms, ready to cuddle and kiss the stress right out of Louis.

Only a month left, Louis thought one night as he lay with Harry on top of him. He ran his fingers through the curls at the nape of the younger lads neck. One month, and it could be like this every second of every day, as soon as tour was over. Louis had never been so excited for a tour to be over. He wasn't sure if his excitement was helping or hurting his performance on stage, but he knew the boys were strong singers, strong enough to pull his dead weight, so he wasn't all too worried.

Louis was pulled from his thoughts by a light touch to his bicep, Harrys finger tips tracing the abstract patterns, something he did often. Louis had gotten quite used to the feeling. It was relaxing and sweet, though it made him doze off if he did it too long. He leaned down to press a kiss to Harry's hair and could feel the boy smile and then yawn against his chest. Harry sighed sleepily before mumbling "Bedtime for me..Bedtime for me.." in a sing-song kind of voice. Louis resisted the urge to coo at the boy, who popped his head out of the bunk curtain to tell Logan and the rest of the lads goodnight. After he got an answer from all four, Logans voice was rough in a familiar way that made Louis grimace, but Harry either didn't take notice, or simply didn't care, he closed the curtain again and turned to give Louis a lingering kiss on the lips before laying down in favor of curling up next to him.

In the limited space they shared, the kitten was practically plastered to Louis side, though neither of them minded the least bit. It felt nice to be close to eachother. No fighting, No yelling, No tears, just.. Love. and Secrets, Louis added on to his thoughts solemly. The world was suppose to know about Harry by now.. about him, about them. They had agreed on it months ago, him and Simon, but after Harry's...incident, Simon decided it was best to wait and see how Harry reacts to the fame. There was also the issue of Logan and Zayn, having been caught making out at a gay bar, Simon was already pissed at them, and had forced Niall and Barabra to be more open about their relationship, something neither of them were happy about. Having to be forced to kiss someone for paparazzi, even if you did love them, couldn't be fun. They were on tour though, so they had managed to avoid scandals in the magazines for at least a couple months.

Harry had cried when Louis told him, claimed that Louis was embarrassed of him, and he shouldn't have brought him on tour if that was the case. It hurt Louis more than he was willing to admit, even to himself. It was a full four days of begging and declarations of love before Harry would sleep in Louis bunk again, something he was more than grateful for, considering he could barely sleep without Harry being there.

Louis was beginning to dose off, finally, and his last thought was how exhausted he's going to be in the morning. They never did get enough sleep on tour.

Only one month...


(A/N) - the long anticipated Sequel, yes, i've finally gotten the time to write it. Now, I know this is really short, but it's just a prologue, really. Plus, i wrote it at like one in the morning haha. The next chapter, we will skip a month ahead to them being off tour, but I really wanted to write this cute little chapter. Plus, it had some necessary information. (no, not the Zogan blowjob, though that was pretty important)

All is fair in Love and War : The Sequel to 'Come Back, Kitten'Where stories live. Discover now