Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up to find the four of us in Hanna's room. We were all in her bed, being Hanna in the middle (next to me), Emily next to her in the edge of the bed and Spencer also next to me, in the other edge of the bed.
I couldn't move. Not only because I was trapped between two other people but because if I moved probably I'd make someone fall from the bed, which also could create a chain effect, bringing us all to the floor.

While I was thinking about that, Spencer moved and hit me in the face with her shoulder.

-Ouch -I whispered with my hand in my face

Apparently Spencer heard me because she opened her eyes and looked at me
-Good morning little one -she said smiling with a sleepy face -what happened?

-You just hit me in the face -I answered watching how her smile disappeared

-Seriously? Oh my god, I'm sorry -she said between a laugh and with a worried face

-Don't worry. Should we woke the others up?

-Uhm yeah, probably. -she said while she got up

When everyone was awake, we went downstairs to have breakfast, and when we finished, we went back to Hanna's bedroom again.
Today was saturday, so we didn't have to worry about being up late, which was a good thing, since I know we all like to do it.

-So...what should we do know? -Spencer asked

-What if...we play truth or dare? -Hanna proposed

-Again? -complained Emily

-We didn't play it yesterday! We just told secrets

-Okay but isn't too early to play it?

-Since when games have a moment to be played? -Hanna asked confused

-Nevermind. Let's play if you want. -Emily agreed finishing the discussion

We all sat in the floor. Emily by my left, Hanna by my right and Spencer in front of me, between them.

-So...who goes first? -Hanna asked


-I will -said aria

She sounded pretty excited about playing

-Okay, Emily. Truth or dare? -she asked turning to her

-Truth. -she answered simply

-Are we going to continue our conversation later?

-Yes? I guess

-Okay, that was boring .-said Hanna- my turn!

-Wait, wait! -yelled Aria

I saw how she whispered something to Hanna, who smiled before calling my name

-Spencer, truth or dare? -she asked with a smile

They made me nervous, I was scared of what they could ask, but also of what they could make me do. But on the other hand... what's the worst thing they could make me do?

-Spence? -Aria said while moving her hands in front of my face

-Yeah, sorry -I answered shaking my head- uh...dare

-As you wish Spence. I dare you to kiss Aria

-What? -I asked in a surprised tone

-Come on, it's just a kiss, it's not big deal

-Spencer, I do it all the time and I swear, it feels great -said Emily

All I could do was laugh nervously.

-What's wrong? Are you scared? -asked Aria smiling and laughing a bit

-No, let's do it -I said seriously while I crawled to her

She did the same. Then she grabbed my head with her hands and put her lips on mine.
She moved hers a bit, but I didn't move mine at all, it was kinda weird to be kissing her.
Then she broke the kiss and smiled, so I just crawled back to where I was sitting before, serious and in silence.

-Hey, I said that Spencer had to kiss Aria, not the other way around

I sighed.

-We kissed, didn't we?


-Leave it Hanna, let's keep playing

When the game ended, Hanna and Emily went to bed to talk and Aria was doing something on her phone.

-Aria, can we talk for a second? -I asked

-Nope. -she answered standing up and leaving the room

I really wasn't expecting that.
I followed her.

-Ariaaaa, please -I begged walking behind her

I needed to know if she asked Hanna to dare me to kiss her. And if she did, then I wanted to know why.

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