Chapter 1

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-Fine! -said Hanna in a laugh- I kissed Aria's brother.

-You what? -asked Aria totally shocked

-In my defense, it's his fault. Talk about it with him, not me. What about you, Em? Any interesting secret?

-No...I don't have any secrets since I came out.

-Okay then...have you ever wanted to kiss any of us?

-Han! -yelled Aria

-What? You never know!

-What do you think she is? A walking stereotype?, Hanna. -answered Emily
-What about Ali?

-What about her?

-What happened between you two, exactly?

-Easy, I was in love with her, she didn't feel the same way about me. Moving on...Aria? Do you have any secrets?

-You sure?

-Yup. I'm completely transparent with you guys. -said Aria with an innocent face

-Yeah, I can tell. -said Hanna looking at her shirt- I can see your bra.

-Han! -complained Aria while she started to blush

-And I thought I was the only gay here... -whispered Emily

-Okay, however... Spence? -said Aria while she turned to her- what about you babe?

-Now everyone's gay or what? -said Emily whispering again

-You know? I have a big secret...way to pass every class even when our lives are a complete mess.

-Yeah, we noticed.

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