Auction House

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Several hundred years ago there was a war. The greatest war man kind had ever seen before. It destroyed countries in days, and cities in a matter of minutes. Our greatest threat was the vampires. They grew in ranks the more humans died by their vicious hands. Eventually, after years of fighting, the humans gave up and surrendered to the will of the vampires. The vampires built a Great Wall around one of the surviving cities to keep everyone inside, human and vampire alike. Outside the wall is destruction, but there are a few survivors out there. Both human and vampire. Some say that they are combining forces to begin a revolution, but it's been years since those rumors and nothing has happened so far. I think everyone has given up hope for rescue. Given up hope for salvation.

I would like to tell you that i was born into a loving family who even in the war against vampires loved and cherished me. I would like to tell you that up until this point, my life had been a happy one. I would like to tell you a lot of lies. But i can't.

I was born out of wedlock, and by two human beings who were forced to breed. They were held against their will and were told that if they didn't "mate" they would be killed. So they did what they had to. I wasn't wanted by my kind, and most definitely not wanted by my parents. I was wanted by vampires.

They breed us to keep the supply of fresh blood flowing. They breed us not only for their food, but also their pleasure. They make us clean, cook, do any and all house work. They feed off of us. We are their pets, their dogs. And i was one of the first successful children of this breeding ritual.

Most of the bred children died within the first few months of birth from malnutrition or some kind of illness. Apparently, I was a fighter. I was raised by my breeding parents until i was thirteen...and then i was put up in the auction house.

When human girls turn 13 they are sent to the auction house to be sold to vampires of rich or noble decent. It doesn't matter whether or not they're nice, the people who run the auction house are only after money and survival. That's right, humans own the auction house. Actually to be quite honest, humans started this whole breeding and exchange of human girls to begin with. When the boys turn 13, if they are not chosen as healthy candidates for breeding, they are sent to the blood factories.

The blood factories aren't actual factories. They are houses where they keep the boys locked up and slowly drain them of their blood. They keep them in cells kind of like the auction house and one by one they pick you off. I've heard that they send them to rooms where there is this huge machine that they hook them up to.

It feeds off of them, draining their blood for weeks, sometimes even months depending on how big they are. And then they send the supply of blood out into grocery stores where vampires buy them.

The auction house is a place for young human girls, where they are sold to whichever vampire bids the highest. Only no one ever bid on me. No one ever wanted me. Plenty of vampires came through here throughout the years and they took one look at me and moved on. I am flat chested with long stringy brown hair and blue eyes too big for my small face.

Most vampires buy us for sexual favors, or as trophies. I am obviously not a good one. The best girls cost up to $100,000, depending on height, weight, and the curves of their bodies. Over the years my price has gone down, and now I'm 17 and practically free.

I know i should be grateful to not have been sold to some blood thirsty evil rapist vampire but i want a home....some place, any place to call my own. Even at the cost of my life, at least for a little bit I could be happy. Maybe I would get lucky.

I had heard the stories, and the rumors about the people who bought us. They were cruel. They raped us, fed on us, and bled us out for their own guilty pleasures. But sometimes, there was always a chance that you could be one of the lucky few to be put into a good home.

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