XV: You Need It

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I sit bolt upright, breathing heavily, tangled hopelessly in my bedclothes and drenched in my own sweat.  He's not here.  Why in the world did I call for him when I know he won't be there?

After a few seconds, my breathing slows, and I slump back onto my pillows.  It takes me a minute or so to recall what exactly woke me from my sleep, during which I free myself from the mass of covers entrapping me.  It's still dark, but I feel reassured by the presence of the Stars as their ethereal light pours in through my windows.

Fragments of a dream soon return to my mind; a dark room, larger than mine, and filled with swirling coils of black smoke; a few muffled voices, speaking in Black Speech.  For a moment, I'm astonished as to why this startled me so, but then I remember hearing the voices more clearly—clear enough to understand their words.

'A Star in Mirkwood?'

'Yes, my Lord.  The Elves have found it.'

'Have they?  They won't for much longer.  Bring the Star to me alive.  It could prove very useful.'

'But my Lord... what if it fights back?'

'Then you fight back stronger.  I need it brought to me.  This is an opportunity I cannot miss—to use the Valar's own weapon against them.'

'Is it powerful, my Lord?'

'Certainly.  It's probably more powerful than it thinks itself to be.  If channelled correctly, the power of a Star could be used for extreme consequences.  On no account can we let it work with the elves.  This Star must be ours.'

'It will be, my Lord.'

It's clear now.  It was Sauron, talking to one of his commanders.  Just another figment of my imagination, to add to everything I have to worry about the moment.  I know I will gain nothing from being angry with a dream, but I'm extremely irked that my slumber was disturbed by a fake conversation. 

I let out a long sigh.  After everything that happened to me in the last few days, I can't at least get a decent night's sleep?  Proceeding to wallow further in self pity, I submerge in my ocean of duvet and close my eyes.  There's no way in Arda I can get to sleep now; there are far too many thoughts in my head—including ones of Thranduil, which only cause me to bury myself under a mountain of pillows in the hope that they can shield me from my own memories.


A poke on one of the pillows covering my head catches my attention.  Gingerly, I peer out over the duvet to find a brightly sunlit room, with Gelya stood over my bed, very obviously stifling laughter.

'Good morning, Elena...' she smirks, 'how long have you been like this?'

'A few hours, perhaps?' I reply, stretching my limbs as I emerge from under the covers and prop myself up in a sitting position.

'Your hair has seen better days.'  Gelya reaches out and tugs gently at one of my silvery blonde waves.  'You do know it's not common practice among elves to hide in a cocoon on one's bed.'

'Last time I looked, I wasn't an elf, so what does it matter?  Besides, I have my reasons.'

'That you do.'  She passes me a cup of water and a plate of fruit, before sitting herself down at the bottom of my bed.  'Which leads me on to my idea.  After I make your hair and outfit look at least presentable...' she giggles, 'I thought you could come outside with me.  To the gardens.  It does look like a lovely day, and I know for certain that all of Tavalon's immediate family is at a meeting. This time, they will actually be talking about the spiders issue.'

At first, I break into a broad smile, but then doubts start to creep into my mind. 'Are you sure about this?'

Gelya gestures for me to eat the fruit, before continuing. 'I'm a maid, my area of expertise is eavesdropping. I managed to overhear Avadhil complaining about being forced to attend the meeting—but then, everyone in that area of the kingdom will have heard that racket! Trust me, I know exactly what will be happening today.'

'I do hope you're right...' I mutter, my gaze sinking to my lap where the fruit still sits untouched, 'I'm just thinking of the worst. After what's occurred so far, anything could happen.'

She shuffles closer to me and places her hand on my wounded leg. Much like a Thranduil, her touch brings a sensation of safety, but hers is lighter and more gentle, rather than being accompanied by a warm rush to the chest. 'Today is for you. You need it. It'll take your mind off everything that's been going on.'

'I thought you wanted me to get back with Thranduil.'

'Oh, I do, I just wished for you to feel better beforehand.'

I sigh deeply again.  'I see.  Gelya, maybe you've got your hopes a little too high about Thranduil and I—'

'Stop!' she cuts across me, 'it will happen when it happens.  Now, you need to eat that.'  My friend indicates the fruit again.

'Wait...' I blurt as a thought strikes me.  'What should we do if someone else tries to hurt me?'

'Ah, I've already thought of this one,' Gelya explains, 'everyone knows that King Thranduil was looking after you.  No one will try to hurt you if they know you're under the protection of the King.'

I doubt that no one would try to hurt me, but that rule should hopefully apply to most elves out there.  When Thranduil had talked to me about his most disliked elves in the realm, Tavalon and his family were, in fact, the only ones named.  That offers some reassurance, even if it isn't much.

At long last, I begin to eat the assorted berries and slices of apple, under intense supervision from Gelya—who insists that I consume every last piece.  At one point during my meal, she even threatens to eat it herself if I didn't hurry up.  After assuring her that I would happily agree to that, she actually takes to removing some of the raspberries from my plate and pelting them at my head.

'Thank you, Gelya,' I smirk, as she takes my clean plate and empty cup off me.  I gently pat her hand as it rests on my bedcovers.  'This is thank you for making me feel better.  And this...' I notice a raspberry half-hidden in the folds of my duvet and promptly hurl it at Gelya's face.  To my surprise, she catches it in her fist and pops it in her mouth.   '...This is thank you for my breakfast!'


First chapter of 2018!! Hope you all have an amazing year :D

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