X: Real Danger

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I don't mean to eavesdrop again. I'm supposed to be asleep. Thranduil stayed with me until I finally closed my eyes, but I've stirred again upon hearing his voice talking very seriously outside my room. The other voice belongs to Legolas.

'Why did you not mention this to me before now? If you say she's been here for over a week, news could have already left the kingdom,' the Prince says in annoyance. I immediately realise they're talking about me. It is definitely surprising that Legolas wasn't informed of my presence the moment he arrived, and he doesn't seem happy about that himself.

'There has already been trouble with Tavalon's family. Avadhil tried to hurt Elena, Avalor tried to take her for his own... she has had a difficult time here,' Thranduil replies.

'And it is not over yet—many will look to claim her from outside. Orcs, men, dwarves... if what you say about Stars is true, then she is in danger,' Legolas lowers his voice, 'you know who will be watching her.'

'What Sauron would do if he got his hands on her... the power he would wield would be immense. If he was able to use a Star, the world we know would fall. He would return to power.'

'So then we must act. Send her away from here, let her find this task she has to perform. Why are you keeping her here when the threat is so great? You cannot be keeping her out of lust or greed, so why does she stay? She surely wishes to leave.'

There is a pause, presumably while Thranduil concocts an answer. 'She most certainly does. I, however, am devoted to healing her from her wounded state.'

'She is wounded? How?' Legolas asks, bemused.

'I found her so, after she fell from the sky. She cannot walk at all without support,' Thranduil lies convincingly. He did not find me wounded... perhaps he is just trying to make himself seem less careless in front of his son.

I hear Legolas tap the wall a few times in frustration. 'In that case, why are there not extra guards on duty? Extra precautions being taken? This Star is putting our realm in real danger, Adar.'

'And our realm shall endure, as it always has.'

'Why do you care so little for your people? Are you being blinded by feelings for the Star, just like Avalor?' Legolas says exasperatedly.

'Her name is Elena.' Thranduil's voice is hard and stern. 'And my relationship with her is none of your concern. But I do care about her, and I will not send her out to die, even if my kingdom is burnt to the ground and my armies slain.'

'That is folly, Adar! Her life is not worth all the blood of this kingdom! Can you not see that in sending her away you could save countless innocent lives in exchange for one?'

'She does not need to die, she does not need this doom hanging over her!' snaps Thranduil, 'I will protect her at all costs.'

'You love her!' Legolas sounds flabbergasted. 'It is clear you cannot see reason. You have thought of no one but yourself since Naneth died.'

'I am not doing this for me, I am doing it to protect Elena! In fact I am in more danger if I let her stay, but I am willing to take that risk!' Thranduil bellows in fury. 'And if you knew even half of what happened between your mother and I, you might understand. But if I do have feelings for Elena, they are forbidden by law.'

'No, they are not! You only tell yourself that because Elena doesn't love you!'

Another pause. I can vividly imagine the looks of daggers passing between father and son outside my door. But why is Thranduil lying to Legolas? More importantly, why is he lying to himself? I find myself yearning to speak to him.

I also wish I could burst out there and tell Legolas that he's wrong. Although it is a feeling quite unknown to Stars, I think I am in love. In love with the King of the Woodland Realm, who is also in love with me.

But I can't say anything. Legolas is right about some things. I promised myself I would keep Thranduil safe, and only by leaving as soon as possible can I do that. Thranduil just needs to accept it—let me go. But then why am I telling him to let me go when I can't let him go?

'Leave me, Legolas,' says the King curtly. I listen as Legolas's footsteps slowly fade down the corridor, and Thranduil, still stood right on the other side of my door, lets out a long sigh.

I'm lost in my thoughts when the creak of the door startles me. Only at the last second do I remember I'm meant to be asleep, and close my eyes abruptly, praying Thranduil doesn't notice. For it is he who has slipped silently in, and closed the door softly behind him.

My heart is a thunderous beat in my ears. I can feel Thranduil's presence next to my bed, and as he leans over me, his breath on my face. His lips are cool as they plant a gentle kiss on the corner of my mouth; overcome by a guiding feeling in my stomach, I kiss them back before they have withdrawn.

He pulls away as I open my eyes. 'Go to sleep, Elena,' he whispers, avoiding my eye contact.

'I heard it all,' I admit reluctantly, 'but know this: you're the first person ever to love me, and the first person I have ever loved. And I will complete my task, and I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.'

'And I will do the same for you,' Thranduil says in a hushed voice, 'whatever that may be.'

And as I close my eyes once again, smiling at Thranduil, I feel him pull back the duvet, letting a rush of cold air surround my body. Dressed in his nightclothes and seeming just as weary as I am, Thranduil climbs into my bed and lays the duvet back over us. Enveloping me in a pleasant warmth, he wraps his arms around me and holds me snugly against his chest. His breathing is slow and soothing, and the touch of his hands on mine sends elation flooding through me.

Right here, in his arms, is the safest I have ever felt.


Adar = father
Naneth = mother

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