IX: Starstruck

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When I am finally reunited with Thranduil, he seems mildly annoyed by the drama occurring with him, Legolas and Tauriel. He dismisses Gelya in a slightly ruder fashion than usual, but she doesn't complain and merely smiles at me before turning away down the corridor.

'Young elves...' Thranduil mutters to himself as he helps me sit down on a chair in one of the airy hallways next to the gardens. 'They think they know what's best for them...'

It's difficult to restrain laughter. Tauriel and Gelya are both young, but Legolas is nearly three thousand years old—not young at all. He must still seem so childlike in Thranduil's eyes.

'How did it go?' I ask casually, hoping to wean some information out of him that's worthy of telling Gelya later.

'Legolas has barely changed from when he was an elfling. Headstrong and adventure-seeking. It puts him in so much danger.'

'Perhaps you worry too much?' I say tentatively.

'Not just for him. Young Tauriel is also subject to my concern, as I've noticed how close she is to Legolas, and how much she wishes they could head off on an adventure together.' He adds a small scoff.

'I'd've thought she wouldn't be up for any more of that after the Battle,' I say, praying Thranduil knows I've watched these events from the sky, and not been eavesdropping like I was today.

'I did too,' he sighs.

'King Thranduil!' a deep voice booms from down the corridor.

'For the love of Ilúvatar...' Thranduil rises from his seat beside me to greet the dark-haired ellon striding purposefully towards him. 'Is it a matter of urgency, Tavalon? For if it is not, I would like to request a moment of peace from your presence.'

I snigger softly into my hand as Tavalon frowns. In this state, he really does resemble his horrible son. 'It is, in fact, a matter of extreme urgency. I just received word from some of the South Gate guards that more spiders have been entering our borders, two dozen at least.'

At this, Thranduil's face hardens. 'I thought the South Gate was cleared last week.'

'It seems we have had a breach in defence. They're wreaking havoc at the South Gate as we speak. You may want to rethink your strategies, my King,' Tavalon says with a hint of smugness.

Thranduil sighs deeply. 'I shall investigate immediately. Elena,' he says, turning to me, 'there is no time to order a maid, but I won't be long. Just stay out of trouble for me?' His smirk is somewhat reassuring.

'I will, if you stay out of trouble for me,' I smile back. Truthfully, I don't feel entirely relaxed knowing he's going off to help ward a pack of giant spiders from the gate, but I want to seem particularly calm and collected in front of Tavalon.

Thranduil's smirk widens before he notices Tavalon watching. The two tall elves turn their backs and hasten down the corridor pointing southward, sleek hairs of platinum blond and ebony black swinging behind them as they walk.

I don't feel hugely comfortable sat alone in a deserted hallway, especially with the knowledge that I still can't escape if needs be. However, attempting to daydream while gazing at an intricate wall decoration made of flowers is thankfully aiding my distraction. If luck is with me, no unpleasant elves will pass through here while Thranduil is absent from my side.

Suddenly, my stomach churns as another ebony-haired ellon appears at the end of the corridor, with his eyes seemingly fixed on me. Fate is clearly not on my side right now—I think it's Avadhil.

'Hello, my Lady,' the ellon drawls, and I instantly realise that this is not Avadhil but his notoriously handsome older brother. Gelya was right, Avalor is generally much better looking than his brother or father, but from Thranduil's description of him, I know not to be fooled by his looks. 'What are you doing all alone over here?'

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