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I want to cry more
cry the sadness away
cry so hard all the tears start to freeze
in the season you left us in
build a slide
and maybe you'll fall back here

but I can't
even the tears has dried up
you said you'd still want to sing Replay with your band
and with Shawols
even when you're 40
come back and do that
when we're all turning in our 30s
and you guys in your 40s
come back and accomplish that
(how foolish of me to request that when it's never going to happen huh)

take your time babe
you've been rushed too much here
so walk up wherever you are headed, slowly
leave a forever star behind
that shines brightly, just like you
so that we know you're okay
so that we know you were safe,
that you finally found peace
I can't promise that it will stop hurting
but I can promise

- you're there, wherever I will be

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