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"So Goodbye" came on
(more like I tapped on it)
"don't cry and smile"
how do I do that?
teach me how
maybe one day, when it doesn't hurt as much
when it doesn't hurt as if it was the very first day
I'll be able to do that
(I should really stop listening to this on repeat, your voice just make it feel like a dream that I'll soon wake up from tomorrow)
but will it ever stop hurting?
a part of me hopes not
if that's the only way for me to remember
(it's Wednesday now
so it's two more days til the second year
and the second day you said your goodbyes)
a part of me hopes otherwise
when you held on, it hurt
didn't it?
if holding on means that you'll still be hurting
then I'll let go
but won't you show me a sign
that you're doing well?
in my dreams tonight maybe?
so that I know I had made the right choice
by letting you go

- fly high angels, and rest well okay?
we will meet again,
pinky promise x
(I'm saying this, not because you were " angels that went home " that's fucking bullshit
but because you had the biggest heart, so big only an angel could hold it)

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