Polar express

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"How many should i expect at breakfast this morning?" Liam asks as he came intot he master to make breakfast

"Not many Li cause the majority of the kids got scared when that storm came thrugh during the night, so we let them go home and the parents were glad they had to experience their first sleepover, and what to expect too which was fun and interesting. The parents loved we got them to have fondue and s'mores too, and make it feel like a campout even though they stayed in the house

"Okay i will get started and it will be ready as well as the coffee" Liam says as he was going to make breakfast for everyone and let Louis and Niall sleep in a little bit

Liam made a breakfast buffet for the kids thats tayed and they loved it and they ate in the room in front of the fire so they were warm and cozy too as they had breakfast

"I say this was a hit" Loui says as he was having his breakfast

"Let's do it every Halloween for the kids cause they love it so much" Niall says as he was cutting up everything for the really little kids so they could not choke at all

"I second that and Bear can come and play with his friends" Liam says as he looks at Bear who was playing with his new friends

(Two months later)

Niall and Louis had the house decorated for the holidays and there was a Christmas tree in every part of the house for the kids and even the kids had their own Christmas tree

"Niall one of the local train stations is having the polar express we should take the kids" Louis says to him when he saw that there were tickets 

"Perfect i can get the pajamas and the slippers and plenty of housecoats for the kids so they can feel like they are on the polar express" Niall says to Louis cause he was  going to go to the mall to see what he could get cause Louis was going to get the tickets and get the boxcar cause they had so many kids the train might have them have their own trip to the pole to see Santa 

"Okay I will get the tickets for the trip and see what day we are going and tonight at supper we will tell the kids that we are going on the Polar express" Niall says to Louis

"Perfect I will make their favorite" Louis says as he was going to go to the kitchen to get started on supper   

(Much later)

The kids had their supper and their drinks

"Kids we have something to tell you" Louis says as he clink's his glass

The kids were quiet as a mouse cause they knew when daddy was going to talk he meant business even the babies were quiet except the ones that were drinking their water as they waited for their food 

"In a few days we are going to be riding the Polar express" Niall says to the kids 

All of the kids were really excited 

"Quiet kids there is more" Louis says to the kids cause Niall was still talking about the trip

"It's going to be an evening train ride we are going to go on so we will be home in time for bed. All of you are getting new jammies for the ride even daddy and me will have new jammies for the ride as well. Christmas jammies so we are all in the mood" Niall says to the kids cause he was going to take some of the kids to pick out their slippers that they were going to wear on the train ride for the polar express  

The kids were even more excited that they were getting new jammies to wear for the train ride

"You guys can wear housecoats if you want and we will have hot chocolate on the train ride" Niall says to the kids 

"Okay kids eat dinner and we will talk more later" Louis says as Niall served the food and he was going to help the little ones who could not serve themselves at all

The kids were eating they talked about their day and if they were good or bad cause they knew Santa was still watching them 

"Niall the train station says we will have our own hour with the kids cause they will want to sit together or sit with certain siblings and we can be there to help them and some of them will get fussy too" Louis says when he got a text from the train station about the tickets and the ride as well 

"That's fine cause they will be wild anyways since this is going to be the first one for many of them" Niall says as he was going to eat supper as well 

Niall took a group of kids to the mall so they could pick out their slippers and Niall was going to put a name on each set of slippers and a housecoat as well so no one gets another housecoat that they didn't want 

(Days later)

"Is that the train daddy?" one of the girls asks him 

"Yes princess it is" Louis says as he was going to help the kids on the train while Niall was going to be the a group to the train so they could get on with daddy and find a seat or sit with a sibling 

"Train" the boys say together cause they were really excited to be riding a real live train cause many of the boys were into Thomas the train and Louis and Niall was going to plan a day out with the boys later on and the girls will have their day out later on 

Louis was going to keep a count of who was on board and who was not on board and who was sitting with who and everythign else     

This is happening again this year 

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