Halloween campout part 2

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"Yes he is and i think that is them now" Louis says when he heard the door

"Hey Lou" LIam says as he comes in with Bear who was dressed all cute for his age

"Hey Liam the babies are in the other playroom I will join you in a bit" Louis says as he was going to close the door behind him and he was going to show Liam where the babies playroom was

"Okay we can get comfortable" Liam says as he was going to go to the playroom in question

Louis was getting what was needed for the babies and go and join Liam in the babies playroom

"The babies get along well Lou" Liam says as he looks at Louis

"I know they do and the first one that Niall had is with him so she is going to stay with him for a while" Louis says as he was going to talk to Liam for a little bit

"Pepper?" Liam asks him

"Yes Pepper she is so adorable" Louis says as he hears Niall talking

(That night)

Liam was going to go along for the fun and him and Bear was going to stay the night at the house and go home the next day cause Cheryl was off ona trip and it made sense and he helped Louis and Niall out with the other kids as well

"Bear loved this" Liam says as they were going ot get candy

"You guys can come over anytime" Niall says as he was holding Pepper in his arms

"We will for sure Bear loved his new friends" Liam says as he was pushing Bear in his stroller as they were getting candy

After two hours they headed home and the older kids got ready for the sleepout in the yeard with a fire cause it was going to be cold outside and Louis and Niall was going to have the kids sleep inside so they were warm and the kids were excited to sleep close to the fireplace and Niall was going to play his guitar and everything for the kids so they were happy as calms the rest of the night 

"Who wants s'mores?" Louis asks as him and Liam came in with everything for s'mpres

All of the kids wanted one and some wanted the graham crackers

"Fondue is coming as well kids" Liam says cause hew was making the fondue 

The kids were going to be on a chocolate high and they were going ot be up all night and Louis, Liam, and Niall were going ot be up until the kids crashed 

(Much later)

Liam, Louis and Niall were feeding the babies their bottles and the last of the older kids just went to sleep 

"Eleven o clock and all of the kids are in bed" Louis says as he looks at the clock on the wall 

"I know and i think after this we should turn in for the night cause i am making breakfast for everyone in the morning" Liam says as he was finishing feeding Bear his bottle cause CHeryl was out of toen for the night so Liam was going to be hanging out with Louis and Niall 

"Okay I think we should stay up for a bit and catch up, but that can be another time" Louis says as he was yawning a little bit

The guys put the baboes to bed and went to be themselves 

(The next morning)

"How many should i expect at breakfast this morning?" Liam asks as he came intot he master to make breakfast 

"Not many Li cause the majority of the kids got scared when that storm came thrugh during the night, so we let them go home and the parents were glad they had to experience their first sleepover, and what to expect too which was fun and interesting. The parents loved we got them to have fondue and s'mores too, and make it feel like a campout even though they stayed in the house 

"Okay i will get started and it will be ready as well as the coffee" Liam says as he was going to make breakfast for everyone and let Louis and Niall sleep in a little bit

Liam made a breakfast buffet for the kids thats tayed and they loved it and they ate in the room in front of the fire so they were warm and cozy too as they had breakfast 

"I say this was a hit" Loui says as he was having his breakfast 

"Let's do it every Halloween for the kids cause they love it so much" Niall says as he was cutting up everything for the really little kids so they could not choke at all 

"I second that and Bear can come and playw ith his friends" Liam says as he looks at Bear who was playing with his new friends   

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