First night

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"You are going to look so cute baby" he says as he puts her clothes away

Niall put her socks and her under shirts in the dresser that was by her crib and got her changing table all ready for her, and he puts the toys out for her, so they could play later when she woke from her slumber, and made her some bottles, so when she woke he could pop it in and feed her, and he went to put the portable crib in his room that night she was going to sleep with him

"Pepper it's okay daddy is right her sugar" he says as he talks to her as she slept he could tell that she was having a bad dream 

Niall picked her up to hold her in his arms 

"Sweetie it's okay" he says as hr rocks her side to side and back and forth to soothe her cries

Pepper settled down after a while

"See it's okay tonight you are going to have your first night with me, and tonight you are going to be sleeping in my room, so you are safe and secure when you sleep daddy hate to have anything bad to happen to you baby girl he loves you too much" he says as he talks to her as he rubs her back as she was whimpering 

Pepper went back to sleep on her own power 

"There we go sweetie" he says as he lays her down in her crib once again 

Niall tucks her in and decided to see if he could make an appointment for her so she could get looked at 


"Pepper you ate really well for me tonight daddy is so proud of you baby girl, and since you ate for him no problem you can stay up a little later if you can" he says as he wipes her mouth of the excess formula that was coming from her mouth 

Niall burped her gently and she let out some burps for him which was a good thing for him and for her 

"Okay baby doll daddy going to get you ready for bed and then we can stay up and hang out until bedtime" he says as he takes her up to her little nursery so he could get her ready for bed 

Niall puts her in a cute footie onesie that he had gotten for her 

"You look so big in this baby" he says as he continues to get her ready for the night since it was going to be a long night for him and for her in general

Niall swaddled her so she doesn't feel like she was going to fall out of his arms as he was holding her close to him 

"There we go come on we can watch something on T.V with daddy tonight if you fall asleep you fall asleep" he says as he carries her to his room cause they were going to watch something on T.V before they turned in for the night  

Pepper was looking around at where she was at this time around

"This is daddy's room and you are going to be sleeping close to him tonight" he says as he gets comfortable with her in his arms as he turned on the telly to see what was on for him to watch 

After scrolling through the channels he didn't see anything worth watching

"I guess we might as well get to know each other a little bit better" he says as he lays her close to him just in case she would fall asleep 

Pepper let out a cute little yawn 

"Oh you sleepy" he says as he strokes her little cheek as she snuggled in for the time being 

Niall decided he was going to rock her 

"Come on Pepper daddy going to rock you to sleep" he says as he takes her to her nursery to change her one last time before going to bed that night 

Pepper had her first dirty nappy and Niall was glad that she had dirtied her nappy 

"Daddy is proud of you he was worried that something was wrong with you princess" he says as he gives her kisses 

Niall finished changing her and swaddled her back up 

"You have your belly full, nappy is changed i think it's time for sleep time" he says as he takes her to the rocking chair to rock her to sleep 

Niall hums a lullaby and she was out like a light 

"Night princess i love you to the moon and back" he says as he carries her to his room to tuck her in her crib while he got ready for bed 

Niall lays her in the crib and goes and gets ready for bed and goes to bed just in case she wakes up and wanting fed or changed

(Two hours later)

"Okay Pepper daddy hears you" he says when he heard her start to cry 

Niall gets up and puts his glasses on and goes and gets Pepper

"Okay little one let's feed you" he says as he carries her to the kitchen so he could give her a bottle 

Niall was gentle with her as he took her down for her bottle

"It's coming princess" he says as he put a bottle in the microwave to be heated up

Niall rubbed her back as her bottle was being heated up that night for her

"Almost midnight and you're hungry daddy doesn't mind at all" he says as he gets the bottle out of the microwave for her so she could eat for him 

Niall walked with her as he fed her 

"You must be hungry peaches" he says as he heads up with her cause he was going to change her again before he put her back to bed that night

Niall burped and changed her before rocking her back to sleep 

"Night Pepper" he says as he laid her in the crib to sleep again that night

Niall took the bottle down to wash and rinse it, so it was ready for the morning when he was going to make more bottles for her so he had some ready for when she woke up from her slumber

"My sweet little Pepper" he says as he looks at her as she slept in her crib before going back to bed himself that night 

Niall got two more hours of sleep before she woke him up again for a two a.m feeding, and she kept waking up every two hours for a bottle  


"Hey princess did you sleep good huh?" he asks her once he heard her cooing up a storm next to his bed 

Pepper continued to talk to daddy as he was holding her

"I bet you did sweetie come on daddy will make you breakfast and see when you can get checked out" he says as he carries her to the kitchen for some formula that morning and make himself breakfast as well as coffee that morning cause he was tired as could be, but he wouldn't change it for anything right now he loved her

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